Yan Luqing suddenly felt like she was playing the role of a guide in the strategy game——Running around the map, buying treasure A at location 1, treasure B and C at location 2, and learning new and fun tricks at location 3. After wandering around, she went to the palace to give the treasure ABC to the princess, and then showed the newly learned tricks to the princess.

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Especially when Princess Ci is sitting on the sofa and she is sitting on the carpet, it becomes more alike when one was to look at it from this angle.

Yan Luqing stood up silently, walked around Gu Ci from the other side and sat on the sofa.

“By the way, I also learned from others…” She hasn’t shown all the tricks yet, and was about to show it again to Gu Ci when her gaze swept away and she saw two books next to her legs.

It should be the books that Gu Ci read this afternoon while sitting here.

Yan Luqing picked it up casually and glanced at the title.

《24 Personalities》

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《Research on Hysteria》

Yan Luqing: “……?”

Damn. Although she doesn’t understand it, looking at the title, these books are almost the same as abnormal psychology, right?

Does Gu Ci still know people with mental illnesses other than her?


Yan Luqing’s relationship with him now is different from that abnormal psychology at that time. She couldn’t hold back her words anymore and said directly: “I can’t believe this, Gu Ci. Our relationship has even entered this stage but you are still studying me???”

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Gu Ci was originally playing with the deformed Rubik’s Cube and his fingers, which looked as good as white jade, contrasted with the colorful color of the Rubik’s Cube.

Hearing that, he turned his head to look at her, and asked the words one by one: “Studying you?”

“This book,” Yan Luqing picked up the book, “Dare you say you’re not studying me?”

Gu Ci suddenly relaxed his back. He leaned back on the sofa pillow and asked lazily: “Why do you think I am studying you?”

Yan Luqing was about to casually answer: “Because I am…”

However, she was interrupted by Gu Ci before she finished as he said with a faint smile again: “Yan Luqing, do you have multiple personalities? Or hysteria? “

Yan Luqing was stunned by the question.

She suddenly felt something weird——No, it was weird everywhere——Because she also felt that Makabaka seemed to want to try to contact her again.

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She looked into Gu Ci’s eyes and answered in a steady voice: “Don’t you know what my symptoms are?”

The room was silent for an unknown period of time.

When Yan Luqing was about to be unable to sit still anymore, Gu Ci finally spoke again.

“Why do you have the thought that I am studying you?” He said in a tone that seemed to be joking while still leaning on the sofa, “I thought you were an A.”


Hearing this letter, Yan Luqing suddenly remembered——Before, on a certain day when she was still at home, she took on unnecessary pains to study an insignificant problem and couldn’t get out of it, so she went to ask Gu Ci the post that she had posted herself.

[A is a normal person and has crossed into a lunatic B. Then, is A a lunatic?]

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——He replied at that time that if A thought it was not, then A is not.

Yan Luqing widened her eyes slowly. Her heartbeat was extremely fast, but she still pretended to be very shocked and looked at him: “What are you talking about? What A? It can’t be… the post I showed you before, right?” Then she emphasized vividly, “Gu Ci, that post is just something that I casually swipe past——”

Yan Luqing’s words came to an abrupt end——Because Gu Ci suddenly straightened up and stretched his fingers toward her collar.

The distance was so close that Yan Luqing almost felt that her chin rubbed against the cool jade like skin, just a touch and went away.

Gu Ci helped her remove a very small leaf that was stuck to her clothes at some unknown time.

He put the leaf in his hand and played with it. His beautiful dark eyes stared at her while the corners of his lips was slightly curled up, and he whispered as if comforting someone:

“Don’t be nervous. I am just kidding too.”

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