After Gu Ci finished speaking, he continued to lower his head to play with the deformed Rubik’s Cube.

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Yan Luqing looked straight at his expression, reminiscing about the conversation between the two of them just now. Her heartbeat still didn’t slow down, and her eyelashes couldn’t stop trembling.

What he said was quite natural, and the topic was actually not started by Gu Ci either——But her.

It was her who saw the title of the book and asked Gu Ci first, which ended up in her getting his ‘joke’ about A.

When Yan Luqing asked Gu Ci this question at that time, on one hand, it was because she didn’t get a serious answer from a serious person in the forum at all. Most netizens teased her or mocked the questions in the title, so she wanted to ask a serious person face to face.

Big Black and Little Black are not suitable, because although they are loyal to her, they always regard her as a lunatic——The one who will seriously answer this question, she can only think of Gu Ci.

On the other hand…

Yan Luqing lived every day in an environment where everyone thought that she was mentally ill. She laughed and joked on the surface but occasionally in the dead of the night, she would feel a little absurd.

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She knows how she grew up and clearly remembers her life trajectory, but at some moment, she somewhat feels afraid that she will be affected by this body.

She urgently needed a normal person to give her a reassurance pill.

And that reassurance pill was given by Gu Ci.

After that, she never made any blind and disorderly conjectures anymore.

So, the ‘I thought you were A’ that he had said just now——Is that really a joke or not?


Yan Luqing thought about it again: If it’s not a joke, how can it be?

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Gu Ci’s voice suddenly sounded in her ears, just like the kind of bell sound that hooked her soul back again, and all her thoughts were interrupted in an instant.

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Yan Luqing looked towards him.

Gu Ci held the deformed Rubik’s Cube that had been restored to its original position, with the same color on each side, then stretched out his hand and handed it to her.

Yan Luqing took it over in a daze. The thoughts just now are being put aside for the time being and all she could think of was sighing emotionally: “You… already finished it???”

The shopkeeper who sold this thing to her said that this thing has a lot of variations but the essence is the same. After studying the rules thoroughly, it can be put together in 20 minutes.

But where has it been twenty minutes since he got it? It has only been ten minutes at most.

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“It’s the first time I played this.” Gu Ci said with a hidden appreciation in his tone, “It’s very novel.”

Yan Luqing: ……Oh, and it’s still his first time to play this.

Really greedy for his brain and his mouth.

Can he lend it to her?

Gu Ci finished playing the Rubik’s Cube but as if he hadn’t played enough, he went to flip other toys on the table and asked her, “Have you learned how to remove these locks and rings?”

“…” Yan Luqing hesitated, “I thought I could do it too when I saw the demonstration, but I may have forgotten some too…”

“Okay.” Gu Ci smiled and nodded, picking up the Baguenaudier that she hadn’t solved even after a long time just now, “Then I will try.”

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Yan Luqing looked at the slender and beautiful hands shuttling between the rings. The occasional pause because of thinking still made the whole set of movements look very smooth, and it even has a strange sense of rhythm, which is quite pleasing to the eye.

After unlocking the Baguenaudier, he also did the same with the Klotski and Luban Lock…

Seeing him unlock these things little by little, although each time it did not take a long time, it seems that there is a kind of reassuring and comfortable magic power in it. Yan Luqing’s chest, which was originally jumping wildly, gradually calmed down inexplicably.

Wolf seemed to be able to understand it too. He unlocked one and said “Ouwu” on the side. After the last toy was unlocked, Yan Luqing couldn’t help but laugh, “I see that you two got along pretty well in the afternoon. It will even cheer you up.”

“It’s very smart.” Gu Ci casually touched Wolf’s head. “I taught it some simple instructions in the afternoon. You can try it.”

Yan Luqing has always liked cats and dogs, but she has never had the economic ability nor the time to raise them, let alone such a pure Border Collie breed. So under the guidance of Gu Ci, she gave it some simple instructions such as ‘sit’, ‘get up’, ‘step back’ and ‘shake hand’.

Just as Yan Luqing’s playful heart was on the rise, a faint electric current sounded again in her ears.

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