——Probably a little weak chicken wants to connect with her but is blocked by a certain big guy again.

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Yan Luqing took back her hand that was touching Wolf. She stood up from the sofa and asked Gu Ci: “Have you changed your dressing today?”

She doesn’t know why, as soon as she stood up, Gu Ci’s leisurely temperament when solving the toys disappeared.

“Not yet.” He raised his eyes lazily. “Why?”

“Xia Yutian said they want to go to the booked hotel for dinner in the evening, which happens to be not far from the hospital. I will accompany you to change the medicine first.” Yan Luqing walked around him. “Let me change my clothes first. I will be back soon.”


After closing the door and Gu Ci was not by her side anymore, Yan Luqing’s mind was finally connected with Makabaka——

“Maria! Maria! ” It is still the same, likes to make a fuss and the tone still sounded very excited, “Just now, just now, did Gu Ci——”

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Yan Luqing interrupted it: “I don’t know either.”

“Why did you ask him that question at that time? If you didn’t ask——”

“Why did I ask?” Yan Luqing felt a little funny. “First of all, I am not very mature. I just came of age. A simple, muddleheaded and ignorant girl just crossed here inexplicably. Secondly, that’s how I get along with him. I just simply say whatever was in my mind.”

Makabaka was stunned: “Okay then… Maria, I’m just a little anxious, because there are many things wrong with Gu Ci. He can shield me when he is by your side and your Golden Finger is useless against him…”

Yan Luqing: “I have thought about all of these too, but as long as my life is not in danger, everything else doesn’t matter.”

When she was sitting on the sofa just now, Yan Luqing felt that Makabaka wanted to connect with her but it couldn’t, she suddenly had this kind of idea.

Why do book transmigrators always put the system in the first place of trust?

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At least she’s not.

Regardless of the cause, it was the so-called book-transmigration-system that put her in danger or even faced the possibility of death some time ago, and Gu Ci was the one who saved her. She is really not very smart, but people should believe what they see and what they experience.

However, although Yan Luqing’s believes in Gu Ci is far superior than the dog shit system, this does not mean that she doesn’t want to know Gu Ci’s inner thoughts——

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“I also feel puzzled like you as to why the Golden Finger can’t see through Gu Ci. It’s not because I doubt that he has any bugs with him. I just want to see what he is thinking. I’m just purely curious.”

And she has her own plans too.

Yan Luqing has added the WeChat of that weird Old Grandpa. After today’s conversation, she plans to pay for online lessons immediately when she goes home tomorrow, studying with humility, and leaving the teacher’s school as soon as possible.

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Hypnotizing Princess Ci to know about his heart, is already just around the corner.

They took a taxi to the hospital and waited for ten minutes before Gu Ci got his turn.

When the two entered the ward, Yan Luqing didn’t expect to meet Jiang Baichu again here.

“What a coincidence, Sister!” Jiang Baichu came with her whole body’s roses. “Why are you coming to the hospital——” Her voice paused and her eyes glanced at Gu Ci who was by Yan Luqing’s side, then she suddenly made an “Ah” sound.

Yan Luqing pointed to Gu Ci: “I am accompanying him to change the dressing.”

Jiang Baichu firmly looked at Gu Ci’s face. Three seconds later, she suddenly put on an expression as if she had realized something: “Ah! I know you. You are Senior Gu Ci——”


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She just realized it now. This is Gu Ci’s first meeting with Jiang Baichu!

When Yan Luqing was reading the book, she had read all kinds of disputes from the fans over Gu Ci’s CP.

Because this book is very popular, all kinds of heresy exist everywhere, and Gu Ci has never sealed his love for anyone at all. His popularity was also extremely high, so there are all kinds of groups that forcibly matched him with a person that has no affection towards each other at all——There were some people who matched him with the lunatic woman, with the surnamed Yu or Xi, and also with Jiang Baichu.

Among these three that jumped the highest, only the second one has fewer people sprayed on it. After all, the first one is the impossible fantasy between Gu Ci and the enemy of his life and the third one means dismantling the original CP, which will be sprayed to death by everyone as soon as it is carried out.

They choose to match him with Jiang Baichu because Gu Ci had helped her in the book. Although it was only a casual help while he was taking his revenge, if it still has to be stated, it should be said that he was actually helping the society to eradicate wicked people, but in the eyes of the heresy CP believers, this is an amazing candy.

TN: I just found out now that ‘believe in XX’s evil’ in all my translations, means ‘believe in XX’s heresy’. Well, now I know…

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