Chapter 21.4

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Yan Luqing almost couldn’t help laughing when she saw this scene. She said silently in her heart: “Little Princesses are all treated like this. They can’t learn bad behaviour and aren’t allowed to drink alcohol.” But she did not dare to say it out loud, she just felt briefly refreshed.

Yin Ning’an said that she was unwell and did not show up, so her little attendants were naturally not there either. After the three nasty ghosts left, those who were staying were her favorite twins. Yan Luqing had a very enjoyable meal.

What’s even more surprising is that the cunning twin’s ability to drink is good. Yan Luqing and the twin sisters, Xia Yutian and Xia Xuetian, were drinking directly from the bottle in one breath .

But after constantly drinking directly from the bottle, Gu Ci who was sitting next to her stopped her and supervised her. It was just coming and going like this——

“Huhhhh~~” Xia Yutian jokes, “What a big change in your temperament. Why did our Great Gu School Grass supervise her drinking? What’s going on here?”

Xia Xuetian frowned and winked: “That’s right~ Why don’t you supervise us if you are so free then?”

Gu Ci didn’t look as if he was being laughed at at all. His cold appearance was not in the same style as everyone who was crooked at the dinner table. He smiled faintly and said: “She lives with me. If she is drunk, will you guys take care of her?”

“… Wow!” The twin sisters slapped the table as if they had been awakened, “That’s right! You both live in the same room!! “

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After Gu Ci’s explanation, Xia Yutian and Xia Xuetian’s eyes became brighter, as bright as a light bulb.

When the two light bulbs, whose hearts were connected with each other, met eye to eye, each tacitly knew what the other wanted to say.

Yan Luqing was already so confused since an earlier time that she couldn’t understand these little details anymore. She filled her own glass again and raised it to toast with the two sisters. At the end of the drinking, she was already so muddleheaded.

Big Black and Little Black had received Yan Luqing’s instructions before the dinner started to let them escort everyone back to the hotel. As a result, as soon as they came in, they saw Yan Luqing drinking and lying on the table.

Big Black said to Gu Ci: “You didn’t stop…”

Gu Ci didn’t blink his eyes at all: “I tried my best.”

Big Black was also speechless.

In the past, Miss Yan didn’t even touch a drop of drink when she was in her crazy state. Now, it’s great. It’s only been how long but she has been drunk twice. This situation must also be noted down and reported to the doctor. Big Black thought silently.

“You guys go send the others back.” Gu Ci said as he got up from his seat and put on his coat. “I will take her back.”

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When Yan Luqing was patted awake, the first thing she saw was a beautiful face.

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This face has an amazing refreshing effect. She sat up from the table and looked around: “Is it over already? The meal was finished?”

Then she tried to stand up while supporting herself on the edge of the table. As a result, her butt had just been lifted ten centimeters away and she sat back in her chair with soft legs.

Gu Ci originally stood by and watched her performance with his arms folded. Seeing this, he walked up to her and said faintly: “Can’t walk anymore?”

Yan Luqing nodded honestly.

Then she saw Gu Ci, who originally needed her to look upward to see his face, suddenly needed her to look downward to see his face.

——He turned his back to her and squatted down in front of her.

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Yan Luqing didn’t move for a long time, Gu Ci tilted his head to look at her, “Come up, let’s go back to the hotel.”

Who knows.

That Yan Luqing kept staring at him for a long time, then suddenly shook her head: “No.”

“….” Gu CI asked patiently, “What’s wrong?”

She said seriously: “It hurts.”

Gu Ci was stunned and half turned around: “Where does it hurt?”

“You can’t carry me. Your back.” Yan Luqing tried to open her eyes and poked his bandage with her index finger. “It hurts.”

It’s not me who is hurt, it’s you.

Her strength was very light, and the small area that she poked seemed to be numbed.

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It was only a short moment, but the emotion that was too unfamiliar suddenly swept in, and then gradually dispersed like the tide receding.

But the temperature stayed there.

Gu Ci lowered his eyes and waited in place for a while. With such a calm expression, people couldn’t guess what he was thinking at all.

Yan Luqing was still admiring the beautiful and smooth line of Gu Ci’s side face that seemed like it was being drawn out from pictures. Then she didn’t know when the sight in front of her eyes flickered, and he stood up again.

She saw him bend slightly.

Then she saw his face getting closer.

Saw him stretch out his hands to herself, and she suddenly felt her body rise high into the air…

The last thing that flashed through her chaotic mind was——

F*ck, I was princess hugged by Princess Ci.

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