Yan Luqing drank more this time than she had on Little Black’s birthday last time and was even more drunk. This feeling was really too amazing.

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——Her soul still maintains the personality that she can drink even a thousand cups and won’t get drunk at all. She thinks she’s not drunk, but her body tells her: No, you are drunk.

It’s so magical.

When Gu Ci walked out of the box with her in his arms, Yan Luqing vaguely heard the voice of the familiar twin sisters behind her. They squealed ‘Aahh’ drunkenly and even shouted something like “Knocked off[1], knocked off”.


Who fell down and knocked?

Hope the person’s bone won’t be broken.

Yan Luqing cares about the twin sisters in her heart. She keeps thinking about it and unconsciously leans her head on Gu Ci’s shoulder. Probably because he walked too steadily and his body also seemed to emit cold air, coupled with him smelling very good, Yan Luqing felt too comfortable and directly went into a half-conscious sleep.

It was not until there was a ‘ding’ sound in her ears that she woke up again——

Looking at the decorations around, it seems that they have already returned to the hotel. Gu Ci is still holding her in his arms and goes out of the elevator, and they soon arrive at the door of the suite.

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He stood still, and looked at Yan Luqing while slightly tilting his face: “If you are already awake, take the card and open the door then.”

Yan Luqing rubbed her eyes: “Where is the card?”

“Left pocket. Your side.”

“Oh.” Yan Luqing reached out and touched her own left pocket.

Gu Ci: “… In my pocket.”

So they wasted a few more minutes opening the door.

When Gu Ci carried her into the room and walked straight towards her bed, Yan Luqing suddenly hugged him: “Gu Ci, in my whole life, I haven’t begged anyone anything yet.”

“….” Gu Ci’s steps paused, “So?”

“So…” She said carefully, “Please, can you put the bath water for me?”

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After the bath water was ready and she was done soaking, Yan Luqing climbed out of the bathtub using a very strange posture, wiped herself dry and put on the bathrobe. At that time, it had consumed all of her energy.

So she called out “Gu Ci” again, and soon his voice came from outside.

“Have you worn your clothes?”

“Yes.” Yan Luqing said, “But I can’t stand——”

Gu Ci opened the door and said in a cool tone as he walked towards her:

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“Not bad. You still know to wear clothes.”

“Of course.” Like strangers at the first meeting but friends at the second. Yan Luqing saw him bend over and hooked her arms at his shoulder. “I have a strong sense of safety, okay?”

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Gu Ci also had just finished washing. He changed his clothes and his hair was moist and soft.

Both of them smelled the same smell of hotel shower gel.

Gu Ci walked over and saw that Yan Luqing’s nightgown was fairly well dressed, and the belt can be said as, although barely, fastened too. Only a pair of snow-white calves were exposed from the hem. They look so slender that it seemed they could be pinched off easily.

He picked Yan Luqing up again in his arms and said sarcastically: “Oh, so you still have a sense of safety.”

“That’s right.” Yan Luqing said it as if it was a matter of course, “For example, I will definitely never let a stranger appear in my bedroom and my bathroom…” She emphasized, “Especially the opposite sex.”

“… Then,” Gu Ci looked at her as if looking at an alien creature, “You still call me over?”

“That’s because——” Yan Luqing suddenly got stuck. After thinking for a while between ‘You are not the opposite sex’ and ‘You are no stranger’, she decided to chose the latter, “That’s because you are no stranger.”

Gu Ci snorted lightly without answering.

When he put the person on the bed, he heard her next straightforward sentence——

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“Besides, we’ve slept together. We are already so familiar, so what am I afraid of?”


Like strangers at the first meeting but friends at the second. This applies to many situations——For example, after having a hangover sequelae once, she becomes accustomed to that feeling the second time.

The next morning, after Yan Luqing woke up, she quickly adapted to the headache and stomach upset. After washing up, she walked out of the room and happened to meet Big Black carrying breakfast boxes and put them on the table one by one.

Health preserving soup, stomach nourishing porridge. Really so nice.

She sat on the sofa with a bowl in her hand and listened to his report: “The driver was already downstairs. Little Black went to walk the dog and hasn’t come back yet.”

The movement on Yan Luqing’s hand paused: “Then…what about Gu Ci?”

[1] Knocked off here means something like ‘The person or CP that I like is too good and sweet, and their behavior makes me feel too excited/happy’. It’s the term that the users in the Chinese tiktok-like app often use.

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