Yan Luqing turned on the speaker of her mobile phone. Little Black is getting more and more daring after he gets familiar with the two of them now. After listening to many videos that Yan Luqing watched, he dares to directly sigh: “Miss Yan, if this was heard by others, they would think this is a boy’s mobile phone instead…” After a pause, he scratched his head with a hollow laugh, “Because as soon as I turn on my mobile phone, all the recommendations are like this, hehe.”

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“You won’t understand it” Yan Luqing curled her lips, “Moreover, it can’t be blamed on me. I love to see good-looking handsome men and beautiful women, but after watching Gu Ci’s face for a long time, I don’t think they are that handsome anymore…”

Little Black thought for a moment: “It seems to be true…”

No one noticed that because of this silly conversation, a certain big villain who had been quite speechless had returned to his normal state.

——At that time, Yan Luqing still didn’t know what surprises would be waiting for her at home.

At the moment when the villa reappeared in the field of vision, Yan Luqing had the illusion that he had been out for a month. Although she had a great time with the outing in the Butterfly Mountain this time, after all, the first base area when she crossed over was the villa. She still felt that this place was a bit more like ‘home’.

Several of them got off the car outside the villa, and as soon as Yan Luqing entered the gate, she heard a sound of singing——

The first thing she saw was the aunt, who usually swept the yard, was cleaning the fallen leaves in front of the door.

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This is not the point.

The point is, the aunt is sweeping the fallen leaves while turning in circles. She looks happy and sings songs in her mouth, like the splitting image of an animation’s scene.

What a great fellow, imitating the actions of Disney characters.

This aunt usually talks the least and is the most capable. Unexpectedly, she has been suppressing her nature all this time.

Yan Luqing walked over and wanted to praise this aunt. As a result, when this aunt Disney saw her, it was as if she had seen something and immediately stood upright in discomfiture. Yan Luqing quickly comforted her: “It’s all right, auntie. If you sing like this and sweep the floor happily, you can keep singing freely in the future. Hearing your singing, I will even think that my villa is Disney’s castle.”

Little Black began to suffocate his laugh again behind her, and aunt Disney immediately blushed and half bowed towards her, “By the way, Miss Yan, your acquaintance came to look for you just now. Knowing that you weren’t here, he said he will come back later.”

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“Oh, okay.”

Yan Luqing didn’t care at all. After entering the villa, Gu Ci automatically turned right at the entrance of the stairs, and she went up the stairs to return to her room. As she went up the stairs, she listened to Big Black who was next to her say: “Miss Yan, Old Master Yan——That is your grandfather, he wanted to see you in the past few days. And your father also wants to see you. The psychologist also wants to see you…”

Yan Luqing: “…” Damn, it’s not a good thing at all to go home.

She responded one by one in an irritable mood: “Yeah… yeah… I know. I will go.”

When Big Black finally finished his report, Yan Luqing closed the door of the room and threw herself onto the soft big bed.

She lay on the bed and turned on her mobile phone comfortably,

[Fleeing Goddess]: Good morning, Grandpa. Have you got up yet?

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[This Poor Monk Is Not A Liar]: Good morning, little girl.

As the communication began, the top of the old man’s profile picture began to bubble.

Yellow bubble: 「This girl finally came to find me. Hey, I thought this was another child who treated me as a liar again.」

Pink bubble: 「How is her qualifications by the way?」

Yan Luqing: … Very powerful!

People won’t lie to others in their own inner thoughts, right? This wave is absolutely powerful! This is a reliable one!

She was about to ask how to start learning and how much is the fee when suddenly, a slightly hurried knock on the door came from behind her——

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Yan Luqing: “Come in.”

The person who came in was Big Black, and he looked a little dazed: “Miss Yan… There is, there is a man who claims to be your ex-boyfriend downstairs.”

Yan Luqing:??????

She leaped up from the bed and said, “Who did you say that came?”

While talking, she searched her mind for the memory of the original owner.

“He said he was surnamed Zhang… He seems to be the illegitimate son of the Zhang family, a young master who has been raised outside.” Big Black finished speaking and asked nervously, “Is he really your ex-boyfriend?”

“… Ex-boyfriend my ass! Don’t slander me, I am single! “

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