Even though she said that, she was still trying her best to recall the memories of it——It’s just that she can’t find even a single memory with a person surnamed Zhang. Yan Luqing recalled as she went downstairs and didn’t stop until she heard a strange male voice in the living room——

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“Can Miss Yan be so busy? There’s even no one in front of this house for a week. She couldn’t be hiding from me deliberately, right? “

The words were spoken deliberately in such a weird tone to show off. This person’s own voice cannot be said to be that nice to be listened to, but it was probably not bad either. It just turned into an indecent one only because of this tone.

Yan Luqing happened to be already on the lower part of the stairs and swept her gaze into the living room to see the person who was talking just now.

The man has peach blossom eyes with too much of a hooked tails, a pointed chin and ruddy lips. Although he was indeed a bit beautiful, his face was like a handsome man’s face in a certain app, which Yan Luqing had just said not long ago——Although handsome, she didn’t even want to like it. After all, it was far worse than Gu Ci.

It was also at the moment when she saw this face, the memories related to him appeared in Yan Luqing’s mind——

The original owner did help him, gave him money, and had dinner with him several times——Or perhaps, it can also be called dating for several times. But the two of them didn’t do anything too excessive. She also doesn’t know whether he came over because he liked the original owner or because he wanted to ask the original owner why she didn’t give him money anymore.

As for the reason why the original owner, a daughter from a rich family, took a fancy in this illegitimate child was because…

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She thought his looks were very similar to Gu Ci.

Yan Luqing only thinks that the original owner is really blind. Where is the f*cking similarity? This is simply the difference between Oreo and Orly. So, it can be said that they have nothing to do at all with each other, okay???

Yan Luqing lowered her head, gritted her teeth and asked BIg Black in a low voice: “If he wanted to come, would you not know it? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? “

Big Black said innocently: “Your… uh… ‘private affairs’ of such a degree, you usually won’t tell us.”

The eyes of Little Black who stood by the side were staring so much that they turned into the size of a brass bell, but he also didn’t say anything at all. Yan Luqing was anxious, and she happened to have the WeChat interface opened on her mobile phone she held in her hand. So she just opened the dialog box with Little Black and as expected, she saw the bubbles coming out and rushing to the forefront.

Yellow: 「So exciting! This is so exciting! 」

Yellow: 「It turns out that Miss Yan just looks like she does not love him anymore on the surface only but in fact, she is still so obsessed with Gu Ci! I just knew there was nothing wrong with the information that I carry on my back! 」

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Yellow: 「Wait, what is it called again? My cousin seemed to have told me when she read the novel… Ah! It’s stand-in! This is a stand-in! 」

Pink: 「But why doesn’t she chase the original person directly? This is really too exciting! 」

Pink: 「I’m looking forward to it!」

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Active people can’t wait to have ten thoughts in one second.

Yan Luqing passed by Little Black and couldn’t help rolling her eyes at him: “Hey, you are doing a good job in managing facial expression now.”

After she finished speaking, she walked slowly towards the surnamed Zhang stand-in, while thinking in her mind: Before Gu Ci saw this surnamed Zhang stand-in, let’s sever the relationship first.

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However, before she had planned what to say, the sound of the door came from behind her.

Yan Luqing looked back and saw Gu Ci was coming out with an empty water glass. He took off his original coat, leaving only a pure white T-shirt, which made his skin look all the more like porcelain white color.

As if he was more interested in drinking water, Gu Ci walked straight to the table next to several of them, filled his empty glass with water, and looked up to drink a few mouthfuls. When his Adam’s apple rolled up and down, there was an unspeakable sexiness.

After drinking the water, he faintly raised his eyes and looked at the several people in the room: “What’s the matter?”

The whole living room was silent all that time, and it was only then that Yan Luqing got out of his beauty filter.

F*ck, f*ck, f*ck! It’s over. Gu Ci already came out!

Doesn’t this mean… The original one is going to see the stand-in——?!

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When she wanted to explain first, the surnamed Zhang stand-in rushed to answer again.

“Oh… It turns out that this is the Young Master Gu.” This Zhang stand-in first looked up and down at Gu Ci. After done sizing him up, he said in a tone that seemed as if he had eaten ten lemons, “I always heard others say that Miss Yan helped me because this face of mine was similar to the face of the young master from Gu family. Unexpectedly, he really looks like me.”

Yan Luqing thought: Wait, brother, did you get the order wrong? Was there anyone out there who would f*cking say that a grandpa looks like his grandson?

After hearing this sentence with a look of horror on her face, she turned her head to look at Gu Ci again: “No, I really don’t——”

At this time, Gu Ci also took back his eyes from the Zhang stand-in and fell on her face again.

The expression in his eyes was subtle and a faint smile was hanging on his lips.

Yan Luqing immediately widened her eyes, “Listen to my explanation!”

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