Gu Ci interrupted him: “I know.”

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“You know but you are still so close to her?!” Wei Chi pulled his own hair for a while. “No, we have to talk about it well after the party’s over tonight. First, tell me where do you live now?”

Hearing this question, Gu Ci smiled: “I live in her house.”

Wei Chi inhaled a cold air in, then couldn’t suppress his voice and asked: “What are you doing in her house???”

When thinking back about a certain someone’s statement, it was really amusing the more he thought about it. Moreover, it’s still very in line with his and Yan Luqing’s situation to some extent.

So Gu Ci just smiled and replied: “Eat soft rice.”

Wei Chi: “…???”

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Yan Luqing came out of the rest area and finally felt free. She hid left and right, finally found a place where Father Yan and Mother Yan couldn’t see, then sat down at the table and was about to drink, when a shadow suddenly covered her side.

Yan Luqing was sitting at this time. She turned her face and looked up, looking up from the bottom to the top——The long light blue dress outlined a young and graceful posture with a delicate collarbone. This figure looks like a beautiful woman, and then up again——

Oh, it’s the cousin who hit her on the head and was pulled by her again into having a bald spot, Yu Xi.

Her imagination withered in an instant.

Yan Luqing does not refuse beauties, but for those who had caused her harm, it’s better for them to go away to the other side.

Although she didn’t know what Yu Xi was coming for, it was better to strike first. Yan Luqing then used a friendly greeting to her as the first sentence: “Yo, it seems that I haven’t seen you for two weeks. Yu Xi, has your hair grown out now?”

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Yu Xi’s face was obviously stiff.

Some of the hair on the top of her head, which didn’t get uprooted, can still be covered with hair extension, but those that had been uprooted can only be covered with hair pieces. The time she spent on it before going out every day, and the irritability she felt after washing her head then looking at herself in the mirror, were almost driving her crazy.

But she quickly stabilized her emotions. She sat down next to Yan Luqing, called the waiter and took a glass of wine from the tray, then smiled at Yan Luqing: “Cousin, don’t you want to taste it?”

“…” There are still such good things.

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Yan Luqing was worried that she would have no wine to drink. So she immediately took another glass from the tray. After taking a sip, she satisfactorily closed her eyes to recollect the pleasant flavour.

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But this makes Yu Xi dumbfounded instead.

Everyone in the family knows that for others drinking wine is just getting drunk but Yan Luqing, this lunatic, will really go crazy when she drinks. In the process of going crazy, she also suffered, and finally she was tossed into the hospital, so she never touched even a drop of alcohol again, and no one dared to let her touch it either.

However, Yu Xi hasn’t figured it out yet and Yan Luqing, who closed her eyes to taste the wine, already spoke again: “By the way, I asked my family out of curiosity last time…”

Yan Luqing rubbed the wine glass with her fingers and pretended to sigh, “It turns out that the so-called distant cousin Yu Xi has no blood relationship with me at all. We were just somehow related because of the marital relationship between families.”

Looking at the expression on Yu Xi’s face, she probably didn’t expect that someone would speak this kind of thing in such a straightforward way. Yan Luqing didn’t wait for her to say anything, and continued: “I don’t think it is fit for us to call each other as a cousin. Otherwise, what about you calling me by my name in the future? After all, this ‘distantly related’ of yours is really too far away. I really don’t want to be taken advantage of by you.”

Yan Luqing originally thought that Yu Xi would start to tear face with her, but unexpectedly, Yu Xi seemed quite calm.

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She looked at Yan Luqing with an unclear expression in her eyes: “Do you think that because you are from the Yan Family, and because you are Uncle Yan’s biological daughter, you can be lawless all your life?”

“Yan Luqing, you will die really miserably sooner or later.”

Wow, it’s the segment to let out the cruel talk now.

Yan Luqing bottomed out her glass of wine and raised her hand to ask for another glass: “How will I die? Say it for me to hear.”

Yu Xi smiled: “Don’t you understand him? If there’s that one day, of course it will not be me.”

“You dare to treat him like that. One day, you will be solved by Gu Ci personally.”

Is she giving out a loan? Yan Luqing drank very happily and wanted to laugh even more when she heard her word——Solved personally? If it hadn’t been for Gu Ci, she might have died in Butterfly Mountain.

Princess Ci is clearly kind and gentle. What nonsense is she talking about?

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