She was about to refute Yu Xi, but another shadow covered her head. Before she could look up, the wine glass in Yan Luqing’s hand was already taken away.

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She turned her head swiftly and saw those familiar dark eyes.

Afterwards, the cold sound like jade hitting each other also came into her ears.

“Yan Luqing, what have you promised?”

“…” Yes, she promised not to drink. Yan Luqing already felt that she was starting to have that kind of feeling as if treading on air again. She immediately changed her face and pointed at Yu Xi, “It’s really not me who wants to drink, it’s her who has to pull me to drink.”

Yu Xi’s whole body was stiff.

She had thought about what it would be like to see Gu Ci again——He might be tortured by Yan Luqing, might become gloomy and taciturn, and he would no longer be the boy in her memory again. However, she never expected that he would wear such a beautiful white suit, and even speak to Yan Luqing so gently.

And following the direction of Yan Luqing’s fingers, Gu Ci glanced at Yu Xi. It only passed in a flash and he already hung his eyelashes and looked at Yan Luqing again.

“Get up. Let’s go home. Don’t make a fool of yourself here.”

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If Yan Luqing wears flat shoes, she will definitely be able to walk without hesitation, but she is wearing beautiful stilettos today…

“Gu Ci…” Yan Luqing looked at him eagerly. “In my whole life, I haven’t begged anyone for anything yet.”

Gu Ci smiled: “Miss Yan, you just begged me two days ago.”

“….” Yan Luqing controlled herself and suppressed her indignation, “Then, I beg you again.”

Fortunately, this is the corner that Yan Luqing looked for in order to hide from Father Yan and Mother Yan. The light is relatively dim here and it is also very close to the side exit. It will definitely not be seen by anyone at all.

——Except Yu Xi.

She helplessly watched Gu Ci in front of her. Obviously within reach but he didn’t say a word to her at all. Instead, he picked Yan Luqing up and turned away.

When his back was about to disappear, Yu Xi shouted: “Gu Ci, wait a moment!”

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Gu Ci’s footsteps paused.

Yu Xi pinched the palm of her hand with her fingernails and finally found a reason: “… Yan Luqing forced you, but do you have to do this too?”

Gu Ci finally looked back now.

His movement was graceful, even while holding a person in his arms. The colors of the two people’s clothes are exactly the same, and they look quite harmonious.

Yu Xi stared at him, but Gu Ci looked very unconcerned about it and asked in reply instead: “Do I look like I was forced?”

When he went out through the side door, Big Black and Little Black immediately came forward to him.

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But the two brothers never thought that out of the two people who came out, one of them didn’t go out by walking.

Big Black looked at Gu Ci: “Miss Yan has been drinking again…?”

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Gu Ci did not answer, but the answer was already so obvious.

“It’s too strange. In the past, even if Miss Yan’s illness is acting up, she never touches even a drop of drink.” Big Black had already regarded Gu Ci as his own person. He scratched his hair and whispered, “Do you think you can persuade her to see the psychiatrist… After all, Miss Yan listens to you more.”

Gu Ci didn’t agree nor refused. He just said: “Let’s see the circumstances first.”

Big Black walked in front and led the two around to the parking lot.

At nine o’clock in the evening, the temperature of the evening breeze outside that blew on the face was just right. It had a significant cooling effect on people who drank too much like Yan Luqing.

She didn’t hear Gu Ci’s conversation with Big Black before. She woke up a little bit when her face was blown by the wind. At this time, she was leaning against Gu Ci’s arms, weak all over, and suddenly cursed fiercely: “… F*ck!”

“…” Gu Ci glanced at her.

Yan Luqing hung her right hand on Gu Ci’s shoulder and raised his left hand. She knocked on her own head like a mentally retarded person: “F*ck. Gu Ci, I’m so upset. I’ve never been drunk when I drink in the past.”

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She doesn’t know at all that just ten minutes ago, her bodyguard said that she ‘never touches even a drop of drink in the past’.

Hearing the word ‘in the past’ coming out of her mouth, Gu Ci stopped in his footsteps abruptly.

He stood still there for a few seconds before continuing to move forward.

“Well, continue.”

“Huh?” Yan Luqing looked up at Gu Ci ignorantly, “What do you want me to continue?”

Gu Ci didn’t look at her.

He half hung his eyes and looked at the road ahead. From his outer appearance, no one could tell his mood.

After a long time, the corners of the lips that were not covered by the shadow showed a slight curvature. Gu Ci smiled and said: “Continue the talk about… you ‘in the past’.”

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