Gu Ci walked slowly, so the two of them were several meters behind Big Black who led the way in front.

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When Yan Luqing heard what Gu Ci said, she couldn’t help but laugh twice: “Ha ha, you want me to talk about my past…” She changed her posture in Gu Ci’s arms and straightened her upper body a little, “The past me is not similar at all with the present me. I have so——many friends in high school.”

She stretched the word ‘so’ very long and extended her arms to indicate that it was really that ‘many’.

Gu Ci only hummed a response.

Yan Luqing continued to babble: “They all said that I am a person who gets familiar easily with others, easy to get along with, and they had a good time talking to me. So it has always been very lively around me, and they are all beautiful sisters who are twittering by my side.”

Thinking of such beautiful things, Yan Luqing couldn’t help giggling. After laughing, she said, “However, although I have so many friends, there is only one who really has a very good relationship with me… Alas, I miss her very much.”

Gu Ci naturally replied: “If you miss her, why don’t you see her.”

“Because——” Yan Luqing got stuck for a while and her voice stopped.

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She wanted to try again: “Because——”

The result is that she was stuck again there.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to say it, but she can’t say it at all no matter what.

Yan Luqing was very upset. Since the road was blocked, she simply changed her words. “It’s not that I can immediately see her anytime I want to.” she shrugged her shoulders. “Anyway, I can’t see her yet at the moment.”

Without waiting for Gu Ci to say anything, she already continued with gusto: “Ah, there’s more! Don’t interrupt me before I finish talking about my past! “

Gu Ci slightly turned his face and smiled, “Okay, you continue.”

While talking, they have already walked to the side of the car to return home.

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Big Black helped to open the door and the two got into the back seat.

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Yan Luqing is very biased, and she only wants to talk to Gu Ci——After she got in the car, she waited for the partition with the driver’s seat to rise first, completely isolating the two spaces between the front seats and the rear seat, before she began to talk again:

“I have never known a handsome boy like you in the past.” Yan Luqing wrinkled her nose. “I originally thought the senior who chased me was already very handsome in the three dimensional world[1], because after I rejected him at that time, all the sisters said I didn’t know to appreciate what is good for me, and they also said I would never meet anyone more handsome than him again… Wow, I should really let them come and see you!”

——Let them come and see what a real princess is. A male princess is indeed the best and most beautiful.

However, Yan Luqing didn’t say the last sentence out in the end because, even under the influence of alcohol, she knew that such remarks could not be danced out in front of the Lord[2].

Listening to her description, not only she has many friends, but also many suitors.

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Before Gu Ci could say anything, the corner of his eyes suddenly caught the swaying of white color and then he felt his legs sink——

Yan Luqing was dizzy while sitting in the car and she fell to the side in a very smooth motion. As soon as she fell down, because the length was just right, her head happened to fall on Gu Ci’s leg.

There was silence in the car.

“… Your friends are right.” Gu Ci said after evaluating it pertinently, “You are indeed a person who gets familiar easily with others.”

Yan Luqing raised her face in confusion and said: “Huh?”

“It’s nothing.” Gu Ci acquiesced in her practice, “Continue.”

“Oh, continue…” Yan Luqing then thought for a while, “In the past, I didn’t have so much money like now.”

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She felt a lot more comfortable after lying down, but her tone was obviously not as cheerful as before. It seems that her whole person has calmed down, and now it somewhat has a nostalgic atmosphere.

“I have never lived in such a big villa. I have never been taken care of by so many people.” Then Yan Luqing’s voice paused before she continued with a tone that was a little bit downcasted, “And I never had so many people afraid of me before.”

Her seemingly depressed feeling lingered in the narrow space, as if it had changed from a sunny day to a cloudy day and a fine and dense rain began to fall.

Her emotions changed so quickly that she was a little caught off guard.

“In the past, I also never had so many… family members.”

[1] three dimensional world: the real world (she) lives in.

[2] do not dance in front of the Lord: it mainly refers to things or people that have nothing to do with the main event/people/CP, shouldn’t be put out, lest it cause disturbances and other people will get angry because their main event etc was disrupted.

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