Yan Luqing was lying on her back on Gu Ci’s lap. Her face was facing upwards, and her vision was also straight towards the window on the car roof. The neon lights passing through the window occasionally shine in, leaving mottled light and shadow on her facial features.

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Gu Ci looked at a small light spot above her eyes, watched her suddenly lift her fingers, started to count using her fingers and said, “I had counted, that I will only miss the Dean, the Dean’s wife and some of my friends and classmates. The rest… It turns out that I have not even a few people left that I missed.”

After speaking, her expression looked particularly blank and empty, and it looked like two different people with her usually happy and eccentric appearance.

In the current situation, she will probably answer anything anyone asks if they only extend it a little bit more.

What Gu Ci had originally wanted to ask, now made him didn’t want to ask anymore at all.

“Yan Luqing.”


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“As long as there’s someone to be missed, even if the number is small, even if you can’t see them, it’s not a bad thing either.”

Gu Ci’s voice still sounded so magnetic and it was mixed with many complex emotions. Every word reached her ears very clearly.

He seldom said long sentences, so even if her brain turned slowly at this time, Yan Luqing still listened very carefully.

“The really bad thing is…” Gu Ci’s voice paused and a habitual smile hung on his lips as he murmured, “The people you missed are no longer there.”


At this moment, Yan Luqing’s chaotic brain was awake for a moment.

In this moment, she clearly realized what Gu Ci meant by these two sentences.

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He grew up with a happy family and a happy life, but his family was destroyed because of an unexpected man-made disaster.

All the people he could think of were gone.

He was using his experience to…comfort her.

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Gu Ci looks no different from usual. His side face is beautiful and cold, but the expression in his eyes is very gentle.

Yan Luqing suddenly felt inexplicably sad. After she understands that it was him comforting her, she is even more sad than when she had just recalled her memory indiscriminately. She can’t organize any words now. She just wants to say something to dispel this repressive feeling.

“Actually, I said those, not with envy. Not at all.” Yan Luqing pressed down the uncomfortable feeling, and continued to talk down the previous topic between the two of them, “Because my past self looks much more beautiful than my present self——I mean it, Gu Ci.”

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Gu Ci hung his eyes, and his eyelashes casted a crow-feather like shadow below. He replied with a smile: “Really? How beautiful?”

Afraid that he wouldn’t believe it, the girl’s voice suddenly increased, “So beautiful that those girlfriends of mine told me if it wasn’t for my personality, they wouldn’t have such a good relationship with me, solely because of my face——Because they were afraid that the boys they liked will likes me instead.”

Yan Luqing also forgot whether her girlfriends said it or not. Anyway, she didn’t lie. No matter whatever part of her past body, it all looks so much better than her present body.

“In the past, I wouldn’t have been regarded as a lunatic either…”

“In the past, I wouldn’t start panting just after taking two steps, and I wouldn’t inexplicably feel pain everywhere in my body.”

“Also, I used to have a lot of hair, and the hair quality was super good.” She was probably a little forgetful when she was drunk. Yan Luqing said a few of them, and soon became happy too from her own talk. “Even the beautiful girl in the next class who is not familiar with me will also come and ask me what shampoo I use.”

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Unlike now, the sky-high price of shampoo can’t even save the dry hair from the root, it can only be barely maintained.

Gu Ci’s smile deepened and he hummed.

A short hum caused his Adam’s apple to slide up and down, looking inexplicably sexy in the night.

Yan Luqing stared at him and admired it for a while. Suddenly, after a flash of inspiration, she thought of something again.

But she was afraid that the partition was not soundproofed and she didn’t want to be heard by the driver in the front row.

So she raised her face and hooked her finger at Gu Ci:

“Gu Ci, come here. Give me your ears.”

But Gu Ci didn’t listen to her.

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