Yan Luqing was still lying on his lap. She looked up and saw that he half hung his eyes while looking at her silently.

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Yan Luqing looked at those beautiful black eyes, so deep as if there was a kind of magic which would suck people in after staring at them for a long time. Her heart was anxious and regardless of the desperate situation, she stretched out her hand to hook his neck, and directly pulled the person to the same height as herself——

Yan Luqing was very close to his ear, and said in a very soft voice:

“It suddenly occurred to me that I used to have a super good figure too in the past!” The girl’s voice couldn’t hold back the excitement. “Although it’s less than C, it’s definitely the top B!”


Yan Luqing didn’t expect that she, a person who has liked drinking for so many years, would one day have the idea of ‘I will never drink again for the rest of my life’.

Now, it is the morning of the second day after Old Master Zhang’s birthday.

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A person, who was a wine lover, is deeply repenting her own behavior.

Yan Luqing buried her head deeply in the quilt while recalling what happened last night. She didn’t even want to get up from the bed and didn’t even want to dig out Barbie’s Dream Castle with her toes anymore——Yan Luqing thought it would be more appropriate for her to jump off a building and try to cross back to the previous world.

Yan Luqing collapsed for a while, raised her head from the quilt and called for Makabaka again.

“Maria…” Its voice sounded trembling, “I know you are very broken, but when Gu Ci is around, I really can’t connect to you…”

“I know. I’m not here to condemn you. I love drinking so I have to bear the consequences myself.”

Yan Luqing thought of the inexplicable situation where she couldn’t make a sound when she was questioned by Gu Ci.

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The scene seemed familiar…Yan Luqing thought hard. It seemed that after she and Gu Ci fell down the hillside not long ago, Gu Ci jokingly asked her why she was so heavy. When Yan Luqing wanted to explain that she didn’t fall down by herself, she was also stopped by the same thing——The sense of losing her voice as if her throat was sealed.

She briefly described her two experiences to Makabaka, “What’s going on with this?”

Makabaka: “Because the book transmigration system will not allow the host to say words about ‘Book Transmigration’ and ‘System’. For example, the real reason why you fell down last time was the system. The real reason for the inability to answer the question you had to answer last night is because the answer had something to do with the fact that you do not belong to this world——Which is also prohibited by the system.”

“…” Okay. At least this can be counted as leaving the last piece of fig leaf[1] for her.

But——How to explain the remaining words that begin with ‘in the past’???

Why did it turn into this?

What would Gu Ci think??

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Will he take the word ‘in the past’ as the past of the original owner of this body—— No, fools won’t even take it that way, let alone Gu Ci.

But… If he really understood what her so-called ‘In the past’ was, why did he seem to accept it so quickly and so well?

This is impossible.

If Yan Luqing had never transmigrated into a book and her best girl friend told her that she was reborn, Yan Luqing would personally pay for her psychological counseling first even if her financial situation was so very bad.

Ah, psychological counseling——

Yan Luqing’s eyes lit up: There is a way, there is a way!

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She immediately got out of bed, washed and cleaned up with the fastest speed, and informed Big Black: “Contact Doctor Qu immediately. I want to go to a face-to-face consultation in an hour.”

In between, she very smoothly didn’t meet Gu Ci at all in the villa.

But as for whether he heard about her going out or not, Yan Luqing didn’t know either.

When she arrived at Doctor Qu’s place, it was almost the same as when she first crossed over last time. Yan Luqing still did all kinds of tests first according to her instructions——She didn’t fill in the truth but chose the most outrageous one.

Doctor Qu asked her a question, and Yan Luqing also answered quite strangely.

“I… I always wake up suddenly in the middle of the night recently, um… I always feel that there is another self in the dark, staring at me all the time.” she stared at Doctor Qu with a half confused and half serious look, “Tell me, what’s wrong with me?”

[1] fig leaf: a cover-up for something shameful.

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