Yan Luqing stared at the mobile phone screen in disbelief.

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This is… the plan failed?

Yan Luqing initially chose to take Big Black out because she was used to it. Another reason was that Big Black had been in contact with the psychiatrist for a longer time. He was basically responsible for the main contact.

Moreover, she thought it would be more realistic for Little Black, who only stayed at home, to act and say several sentences to Gu Ci——Because judging from Big Black’s EQ and IQ, he was obviously not the kind of person who would suddenly sigh, and Gu Ci would only feel very strange if he heard it.

But Little Black is different. Whatever he does, it will not feel strange for others. For example, running to sigh with Gu Ci after receiving the news, and even sighing with exaggeration, this is very consistent with his foolish personality.

Yan Luqing never thought that a fool would even fail when he played a fool himself.

So now when she sees Little Black’s inner complaint, she felt that the blood all over her body had solidified for a moment.

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At the same time, the bubbles above Little Black’s profile picture are still rising——

Gray, panic: 「What should I do? What should I say now?」

Blue, sad: 「Miss Yan and Mr. Gu Ci is really a natural match. Neither of them speaks human words…」

Yan Luqing: “…” What an absurd praise. He and I are really not the same species.

Then for some reason, Little Black’s mood turned from depressed to anger——

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Red bubble: 「That’s not it. Is it really fun to scare me every day??」

Red bubble x2: 「Although I’m just a paid little bodyguard, I also have a temper. Why did they have to make fun of me like this?」

Yan Luqing: “…” You are quite good at pasting yourself with gold.

It stands to reason that she should order Little Black to stop acting, but judging from Little Black’s psychology, he probably won’t continue acting either.

Big Black on one side seems to be aware that her mood is wrong. In addition, he was a little worried about his silly younger brother when he heard her call Little Black just now. At this time, he respectfully and carefully asked her: “Miss Yan… Did Little Black make any mistakes?”

She waved her hand at Big Black, indicating it was not like that.

Yan Luqing can’t say anything at all now.

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All she knows is that she doesn’t want to go back to this house anymore.

But when Yan Luqing’s mood was ups and downs in the car, the car had already driven into the villa area, and in less than five minutes, she already saw the villa where Gu Ci also stayed in.

Yan Luqing asked Big Black to get out of the car first and she stayed in the car for a while.

“Makabaka,” she called it in her mind, “I was drunk last night and said something…” Yan Luqing simply repeated it, “Gu Ci’s reaction was so calm… Could it be possible that he already knew that I had transmigrated into a novel?”

“It’s like this, at a certain moment when the character in the book realizes that there is someone from the outside world, I will be warned and the host will be punished——” Makabaka paused for a while and continued again, “But Maria hasn’t received it yet.”

The limiting condition is the character in the novel.

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Then Gu Ci is definitely… a character in the novel, right?

Yan Luqing murmured: “So it means that he hasn’t found out about it…?”

But that’s also very strange——

“That’s not it. What’s the matter with Gu Ci anyway? In order to explain the gibberish last night, I had arranged so smooth of a plan for Little Black, but why did he still see through it?”

The more Yan Luqing thought about it, the more puzzled she became. While feeling sorry for her smooth plan, she also felt so ashamed because she was so easily seen through by Gu Ci: “Actually, is it me or him that can read minds??”

Makabaka hesitated for a long time before whispering the answer: “…Because my host is Maria, I also can’t see any other information about Gu Ci except the plot line in the original story… But…”

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