Chapter 26.2

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“But what?”

“Maria, do you… do you ever think that, it’s very likely that Gu Ci simply has a very high IQ?”


It’s always insulting her.

Yan Luqing cleared the dialogue with Makabaka, did some psychological construction in the car for a while before finally opened the door and got out of the car.

Entering the yard, she first smiled reluctantly with Aunt Disney who cleaned the yard, and then her eyes met Little Black who came out to greet her with a dark face.

The feeling of suffocation in the car just now came out again.

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The look on Little Black’s face didn’t show that he actually had red bubbles in his heart. He put on an aggrieved face: “Miss Yan, Gu Ci has long known that you were very ill. Why did you still let me go ask him…”

Yan Luqing’s footsteps did not stop and Little Black was still whispering in her ear: “Makes me like a fool…”

“…….” Yan Luqing felt that she really spoiled him too much.

She closed her eyes and said: “It’s more suitable if you remove the ‘like’.”

Big Black walked in front of them and helped her open the door. As soon as Yan Luqing entered the living room, she saw Gu Ci sitting on the sofa.

And the… Mediterranean Sea Ophthalmologist, Doctor Liu, next to him?

Little Black timely added in her ear: “Doctor Liu came when you were away.”

Yan Luqing reckoned this seemed to be the time for the doctor to come again for a follow-up visit.

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It’s good too for an outsider to come here at this time, otherwise, there will be only awkwardness if the two of them were the ones left in the living room.

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Thinking so, Yan Luqing didn’t even glance at Gu Ci and walked straight over to greet Doctor Liu without looking left nor right.

This old man is as amiable as ever, and he still remembers the travel that Yan Luqing mentioned when she asked him for a new medicine. “By the way, did you two just come back from Butterfly Mountain? Is it fun there?”

Yan Luqing said truthfully: “It’s quite fun.”

“Yeah.” Gu Ci, who was on the side, was sitting on the sofa in a seemingly relaxed and comfortable posture. But once he opened his mouth, it was as if giving people the last killing shot. “Except for the time when we fell down the hillside and were trapped for one day and one night there, it’s all quite fun.”

Yan Luqing: “…”

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Doctor Liu exclaimed: “Oh, you two fell down? Are you alright?”

Yan Luqing smiled stiffly: “It’s already alright now…”

Yan Luqing has been avoiding looking at Gu Ci face to face since she entered the door and has only been looking at Doctor Liu. But when Gu Ci finished saying this, she immediately looked in his direction.

Although her position has always been a heartless sand sculpture[1], and her girlfriends also commented that she was a person who was hot outside and cold inside, cannot be mindful——But Yan Luqing thinks that most of the time, she still have a certain idea in her mind and was also very soft. It’s just that, it’s very difficult for her to encounter ordinary little things.

Coincidentally, the twenty-four hours spent with Gu Ci were not a small thing for her. Looking back at so many details at that time, it seemed that they all have a special meaning to her.

And when she started to care, she didn’t like the matter to be taken out as a joke.

For example, when Big White Teeth mocked the young man’s weak body, she fought back angrily. Although this time, it was far from the matter with Big White Teeth, it still makes her uncomfortable.

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Especially when this was spoken by Gu Ci, the parties involved in it.

Separated by some gap, the two looked at each other for a long time. Gu Ci raised the corner of his eyes inconspicuously and smiled at her, “What’s wrong?”

The smile seemed very meaningful.

Yan Luqing was a little uncomfortable when he smiled. She immediately walked to the sofa and sat down on a position separated by a pillow next to him.

She asked in a low voice: “Why are you talking to him in that tone?”

Gu Ci looked lazy: “What kind of tone do you mean?”

“It’s…” Yan Luqing didn’t know how to describe it. “Doctor Liu just asked me if I had a good time. I said that I had a good time. Why do you have to mention that we fell?”

[1] sand sculpture : silly loser.

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