Isn’t this clearly dismantling her platform and refuting her?

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“Oh.” Gu Ci said with a stretched voice, “So, do you think it’s good to fall down?”

“???” Yan Luqing was stunned, “When did I…”

Just after speaking these three words out, she stopped abruptly.

When she first entered the door, she clearly held the principle of not talking to Gu Ci. If the opponent doesn’t move, she won’t move either.

Why are the two of them starting to talk as if nobody else is here now???

Yan Luqing hadn’t noticed before that since she sat down, the people in the living room were all unconsciously looking at them. It was not only because everyone likes to see beautiful young girls, but also because the scene where the two of them were talking and joking is really similar to…

“Sure enough, they all say that traveling together can cultivate feelings.” Doctor Liu’s voice came from behind with a smile in it. “It is really different from when I first came here. It seems that after this trip, the relationship between you two has improved by leaps and bounds.”


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Yan Luqing felt that she had slipped into the trap again unknowingly.

Gu Ci had finished his examination long before Yan Luqing came back. After a few words, Doctor Liu also left.

Yan Luqing still sat on the sofa. As soon as the sound of a car leaving from the yard was heard, the living room returned to silence.

After a few seconds, she felt the person by her side move. Then, Gu Ci’s voice came over:

“Last night…”

He had just said two words but Yan Luqing cut off his words all of a sudden in the right timing——

Gu Ci, I just finished seeing a psychiatrist and I am in a bad mood now.”


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When she said this, she turned her face slightly towards him.

With an empty expression, downcasted voice, and the corners of her eyes half drooping. Really looked so solemn.

An interest rose once again in Gu Ci’s eyes.

Although she has done so many things and has so many ideas that ordinary people can’t understand, it has to be said that her acting skills have always been online.

Yan Luqing remembered that last time she was also unwilling to face him after her drunkenness, but she had to let him go out with her so she used the great skill of Biluochun[1]green tea.

So she used the trick she did last time again now——

“People like you shouldn’t argue with a delirious person, let alone a poor drunk girl.”

“What is her fault anyway? She just drank two glasses of wine under the provocation and instigation of her cousin, and just said some nonsense.”

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After Yan Luqing launched the Biluochun great skill, she didn’t get a response for a long time.

She couldn’t hold it anymore. She changed her angle and wanted to see how Gu Ci reacted now.

And unexpectedly……

She saw him put his hand against his mouth, as if he was holding back a smile. Even his eyes were almost bent into beautiful crescents.

All of Yan Luqing’s expressions suddenly collapsed. She pushed him with a pillow in shock. “What are you laughing at? Isn’t this a serious thing?!”

Yan Luqing was deeply involved in the play. While pushing, she still felt aggrieved. “I really had just finished psychological counseling. How can you be like this!”

Gu Ci took away his hand that was on the side of his lips. When he looked up again, his expression finally turned serious at last.

He said: “Yan Luqing, what you said last night really didn’t seem like nonsense.”

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Yan Luqing’s heart thumped, as if a stone was slammed down there, making her chest ache.

“But it doesn’t matter.”——Gu Ci quickly took a turn instead.

“If you want to be regarded as a mentally ill person by me so much,” his expression became very relaxed and there was a smile around the corner of his eyes that didn’t dissipate, which seemed very gentle, “then I can treat you as a muddled person.”

Some people will just leave in a carefree way after they finish saying their words, leaving the listener puzzled.

Yan Luqing returned to her room and thought hard all morning.

First of all, Makabaka said that if someone in the novel realized that she was a person from the outside world, she would be punished——But she is not punished now, and she was sure that Gu Ci was a character in the novel.

[1] Biluochun: A kind of ambiguous meaning, sometimes even in a very annoying way. Depending on the sentence.

TN: Yes, now I know what Biluochun green tea means. Oh, and Tieguanyin means the kind of sound that was used to advertise something, not some green tea characteristic in a person.

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