So… It should be certain that he doesn’t think that way. He doesn’t know the truth yet.

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Gu Ci’s original words are, “if you want to be regarded as a mentally ill person by me so much”.

Yan Luqing really wants to be regarded as a mentally ill person by him.

But in his eyes, she should not be ‘regarded as a mentally ill person’, but should be ‘a mentally ill person’.

Why did he use ‘regarded as’? Could it be that, he actually doesn’t think she is mentally ill?

He also said that what she said last night didn’t look like nonsense. In other words, he took them as the truth——But how can those be regarded as the truth??

Yan Luqing was going crazy but still couldn’t run to him to ask about it.

Because she has a bad conscience in her heart and Gu Ci is also too smart. At present, she has not been punished, which shows that Gu Ci has not thought about her being a transmigrator. What if after she went to question him, it made him think about it that way instead. What should she do by then?

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Yan Luqing was so troubled by it so much that her heart was in a mess. So she just fluttered around like a salted fish on the bed.


Why does he have to talk like that and let her guess it!!

It’s fine if she is unable to guess it but the easy-to-use mind reading Golden Finger was even blocked by him!!!

Man, you’re so f*cking mysterious.


It can’t keep going on like this. Means must be taken.

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Yan Luqing thought for a moment, then turned over and sat up on the bed, opened WeChat and found the grandpa who she had paid the tuition to.

[Fleeing Goddess]: Is Grandpa free? Can I have a class now?

Then she waited for about three minutes.

[This Poor Monk Is Not A Liar]: Yes you can. Little girl, today is still a video call learning.

After sending this sentence, the old man’s profile picture was also covered with pink bubbles, and Yan Luqing clicked to open it——

Touched pink: 「Alas, I haven’t seen such a studious child for a long time already. It’s really not easy…」

The studious Yan Luqing studied attentively for two and a half hours. She stopped because she saw that this grandpa, maybe because of old age, always drank water so she was afraid he wouldn’t be able to bear it. She didn’t expect that as soon as the class stopped, Big Black knocked on her door and came in.

“Miss Yan,” his expression revealed a hint of nervousness, “Your Grandfather’s car is parked outside now. It was ready to pick you up to meet him…”

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Sure enough, all of the same family. This Grandfather has exactly the same style as the Yan family’s eldest brother last time. Driving the car directly in front of the house and cannot be refused at all.

Yan Luqing sighed as she admitted her fate, got up to pack up and change her clothes, then went downstairs after ten minutes.

Gu Ci is not in the living room and only Little Black is looking at her eagerly in the living room.

“?” Yan Luqing sent a question mark to Big Black with her eyes.

Big Black understood it in seconds and explained: “He said he also wanted to go with you this time…”

“Just go then.” Yan Luqing thought of Little Black’s wronged inner drama in the morning and decided to treat him better. “Isn’t that my biological grandfather? What are you afraid of? I will just take Little Black alone this time. You can stay at home.”

Happiness was shown all over Little Black’s face and he immediately followed her into the car.

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Yan Luqing was silent all the way. Yan Luqing relied on WeChat to watch the inner drama of people from all walks of life to relieve her boredom. She watches for about forty minutes before they finally reach the destination.

The so-called residence of the Old Master Yan is not as exaggerated as the villa Yan Luqing went to before. It is a relatively simple three-story building. Yan Luqing got out of the car with Little Black, and someone immediately led the way for her.

Although she said it was her own biological grandfather, there was actually uncertainty in Yan Luqing’s heart.

——Except for Gu Ci, she always feels very uncertain about every stranger she sees in this world.

She was mentally ill in the eyes of everyone, which also led to her not knowing how to talk to these people.

The uneasiness on Yan Luqing’s face was seen by Little Black. He whispered: “Miss Yan, are you afraid?”

There is nothing to lie about so Yan Luqing just nodded and said: “A little.”

TN: Changed the Grandpa’s nickname to ‘This Poor Monk Is Not A Liar’ and also fixed it in Ch 22.3. For those that was confused, Grandpa is the old man that teach YLQ skill while Grandfather is her biological grandfather.

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