Unexpectedly, she just exerted all her strength and finished the college entrance examination, but hit her head on the plane and got transmigrated here. She hasn’t enjoyed a few days of peaceful and happy life after she was transmigrated here. Now she was even told to finish the compulsory courses of a computer major in a college within half a month.

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Yan Luqing: I have never been so speechless in this life and in my previous life.

Originally, she was really disheartened, but when she saw the word ‘Gu Ci’ in Mother Yan’s message, it was as if blood flowed back into her body and restored her vitality.

Because Yan Luqing felt that there would be nothing that Gu Ci could not solve.

She also doesn’t know whether it was because she already knows everything about him in the book, or maybe it’s because she was a fan of him, she unilaterally added a lot of filters to him… Anyway, Yan Luqing’s subconscious thought was: This person seems to be omnipotent and he can always be relied on.

After the omnipotent person finished listening to her spitting out the technical title with a vegetable look on her face, he only made a faint “Oh” sound before he said again, “So, where’s the bad point?”

Yan Luqing whispered: “The bad point is… I think I can’t understand any of its compulsory courses at all.”

Gu Ci smiled again, and his voice became softer than before: ” “You have been admitted to the major you applied for. Why can’t you understand it now?”

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“After all, I’m seriously ill now,” Yan Luqing said in a stiff voice, “I just, forgot it all.”

After listening, Gu Ci looked at her and said nothing, but the smile on his face tended to widen.

This almost made Yan Luqing dream back to the night when the two were still in the tree hole. When she asked why they couldn’t sleep together, the eyes that Gu Ci had when looking at her at that time were the same as the one he was using now——’The new species is so interesting’ that kind of look.

Now, Yan Luqing can only pretend that she didn’t understand it and braced herself with a smile: “I remember that you were the best at studying in the past…”

Gu Ci interrupted her, “So you want me to teach you?”

Yan Luqing suddenly widened her eyes and nodded.

Upon seeing this, Gu Ci began to look at her and smiled again. He smiled so much that she felt her face turn even hotter, but he still said nothing.

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He watched as Yan Luqing’s expression gradually became anxious and her wet eyes began to glance at his hand. While glancing, she deliberately reminded in a small voice: “Gu Ci, you already received my flowers just now.”

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Then her eyes continued to stare at him without blinking.

That mostly means: You have to work for me.

He lowered his eyelashes to block his smile a little bit.

But Yan Luqing, who was watching him closely, felt that this was a sign of rejection——Because just now, when she had just finished saying it, she immediately felt that something was not right.

She did say it like that, but Gu Ci may respond in ten thousand ways, such as ‘I just took what you give to me’, ‘Does taking the flowers represent anything?’ and so on. She even believes that at his level, he can think of a better finishing response.

But thank goodness, he didn’t say that——

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“It seems so.” Gu Ci held the flower that someone gave him, looked back and forth, then raised his eyes again, “Give me the textbook, I will read it tonight.”


Princess Ci agreed! He agreed!!!

Yan Luqing simply wanted to put all the popular but tacky praise onto Gu Ci, such as the sentence ‘At this moment, he became the light’; such as her own ‘Princess Ci, forever the almighty god’. She was so happy that she felt that there was a festive BGM around her, and fireworks also kept exploding.

She nodded quickly: “Okay, I will give the textbook to you later——Then, when shall we start?”

Gu Ci stood up and said: “Tomorrow.”

Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment.

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Is he so genius? He just needs only one night?

But before she sighed emotionally, Gu Ci opened his mouth again to say: “I am very strict as a teacher.”

Yan Luqing looked up in response.

He put his hand on the back of the sofa and his back was against the light. The smile on his face was very attractive and he looked at her from a higher angle just like this.

“Be mentally prepared, classmate Yan Luqing.”

Since she was going to start studying the next day, Yan Luqing decided to take a leave of absence from Grandpa first.

She said that because she was about to take the exam, she will still find time to study with him within these two weeks, but she may not be able to report her progress every day. Grandpa quickly understood and made a very philosophical remark: [You can study anytime you want, as long as you are sincere.]

She is really sincere! She hopes to learn it as soon as possible so that she can quickly see what Gu Ci thinks all day long.

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