TN: One of the reader noticed that there’s seems to be a missing part between chapter 25.3 and chapter 26.1. After I checked it, it is indeed my mistake in skipping one part which should be part 25.4. Because I want to save time, I just directly posted what should be part 25.4 directly below 25.3 (and yes the chapter part became longer as it is now a combined 2 parts). So if you think you are missing some part of the story, maybe you want to check this chapter part 25.3 again. Thank you…

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Yan Luqing sent a two-hundred-word essay to the Grandpa to show how sincere her heart was, and then said good night to him.

When she was about to close it, she received a WeChat from someone.

[Have More Than Needed Every Year]: Miss Yan, asleep already?

Yan Luqing looked and saw that they had no chat records before, and this person had never posted in the circle of friends.

She honestly said: Who are you? Let me add a remark.

As a result, after the other party had read it, several bubbles appeared on the profile picture that originally had no bubbles and it is mainly in red and blue colors.

Yan Luqing poked the red bubble: 「What does she mean? Does she want to directly sever the relationship with me? Just because she is now letting Gu Ci live in her house???」

She poked the blue bubble again: 「I always feel it’s not a good thing that Yan Luqing’s temperament has changed greatly. In the past, at least she would give me money generously…」

Oh——It turned out to be a surnamed Zhang substitute.

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After Yan Luqing had some understanding about it, the other side also sent a self introduction over.

[Have More Than Needed Every Year]: I am Zhang Nian.

[The Fleeing Goddess]: Well, it’s already so late. What can I do for you?

She saw the status of the message indicating that the other party had read it, and Zhang Nian’s profile picture began to pop out bubbles again——With mainly 「What did I do wrong?」 「Can’t I get money anymore」 and 「What’s the matter with her?」 in them.

Yan Luqing was a little upset after reading it.

Now that she has become the master of this body, these pots should be cleaned up as soon as possible. It just so happened that Zhang Nian contacted her by himself tonight. Then, she just has to find a way to make him completely give up the idea in his heart.

Just as she was about to type the reply, a pink bubble suddenly appeared among the many negative emotion bubbles on Zhang Nian’s profile picture.

Yan Luqing couldn’t resist the curiosity and poked at it——

「This Yan Luqing has changed too much. It seems that it hasn’t been that long yet. When she went out to eat with me before, she never put on any makeup at all. She was simply like a female ghost. But now she looks so good-looking, like she had gone to have a facelift…」

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Yan Luqing: ? Wow, thank you.

She didn’t expect that she could still see such a long compliment. It feels quite embarrassing.

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But unexpectedly, this pink bubble is followed by another red bubble——

「Letting Gu Ci eat this soft rice is really giving him underserved benefits. F*ck!」

Yan Luqing: “?” Who do you say was eating soft rice?

Yan Luqing thought for a while and typed.

[The Fleeing Goddess]: Actually, if you are really short of money…

[Zhang Nian]: ?

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Zhang Nian popped a pink bubble again: 「It turns out that Miss Yan still remembers me!」

However, Yan Luqing’s next words mercilessly destroyed his thought of eating soft rice.

[The Fleeing Goddess]: I can ask my bodyguard to help introduce you to some jobs and I ensure that neither the old nor the young will be deceived.

[Zhang Nian]: ………

Yan Luqing saw him deflated, but she was still unhappy——This person really stigmatized Gu Ci too much.

What does he mean by Gu Ci eating soft rice?

Fart! He’s not the same kind with the rubbish like you! He didn’t eat soft rice, you know?!!

Yan Luqing stared at the screen and typed in extreme anger to rectify Gu Ci’s name.

[The Fleeing Goddess]: By the way, in case you misunderstood the relationship between me and Gu Ci when you came to my house last time, let me clarify it.

[The Fleeing Goddess]: He is my tutor. He only stayed in my house for a period of time to facilitate my study from morning to night.

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[The Fleeing Goddess]: Zhang Nian, don’t let me hear any bad rumors okay?

[Zhang Nian]: ……Huh? ? ?

After Yan Luqing finished sending out the message, Zhang Nian’s profile picture began to bubble crazily again. But she was too lazy to bother with it and didn’t want to see it. So she directly deleted him from her friends list and even blacklisted his number.

“He even dared to scold Gu Ci for eating soft rice…” Yan Luqing was still thinking about this matter before going to bed and complained about it in her mind, “He really has lived too long.”

Early the next morning.

After finishing the breakfast, Yan Luqing and Gu Ci sat face to face in the study room on the second floor. In addition to the two, there was a Border Collie with beautiful fur by the table.

——After Wolf arrived in this house, it really mixed so well in it. She even heard that the bodyguards took turns to walk it , but they were always too tired afterwards because it made them exercise too much. Thereby, it always turns into the case of the dog leading the man to walk instead.

Now it had already herd all the people in the villa into docile and obedient people, with the exception of Yan Luqing and Gu Ci.

Wolf is very sticky to the two of them. Except when eating, it probably rarely sees such a picture of the two of them being together. So now it keeps up all the way to the second floor.

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