Yan Luqing touched its head, then put the book and pen in front of her with a sense of ritual, and looked at Gu Ci expectantly: “Let’s get started.”

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Gu Ci is wearing black clothes today. Yan Luqing watched his thin white fingers fiddling with the glasses that Doctor Liu brought yesterday. After she said to start, he raised his hand to the bridge of his nose.

This new pair of glasses turns out to look much better again.

Yan Luqing really wondered what kind of person in Doctor Liu’s team was designing the frame. How can it fit Princess Ci’s face and match his temperament so much?

After Gu Ci put on his glasses, he inexplicably has the kind of a professor’s style, it’s just that he was too young and looked too good.

He looked at her and didn’t seem to understand her reaction: “Classmate Yan, are you so looking forward to it?”

“It’s not the studying that I am looking forward to…”

Yan Luqing thought for a moment and she really didn’t know how to explain this strange feeling of——’My favorite paper man is my tutor, so studying is not that annoying anymore’——to him.

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She waved her hand: “Forget it, just treat it as if I am suddenly eager to study.”

Gu Ci didn’t speak any more and pointed to a thick pile of textbooks next to him: “Take out what you need me to teach you.”

Yan Luqing had read the broad outline of the textbook when she brought it to Gu Ci last night. She said while sorting it out: “I have no problem with English and the Ideological and Moral Cultivation in my compulsory courses, but the advanced mathematics, electrical engineering, physics, probability theory, and computer introduction… I don’t think I can.”

“Oh.” Gu Ci smiled and helped her to change her terms, “In other words, you don’t know anything except English and the Ideological and Moral Cultivation course.”

“…” Saying it like that really makes it look a lot worse!

Gu Ci looked at the person sitting opposite curled her lips, showing a dissatisfied aggrieved expression but dare not say anything, and only continued to sort out the textbooks.

When she sorted out the book, Gu Ci began to recall what Yan Luqing said that night, most of them were about ‘high school classmates’. There is no mention of college at all, maybe it’s because she hasn’t touched it yet.

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So he directly asked: “Have you learned senior three’s mathematics? How much do you still remember?”

Yan Luqing didn’t think there was anything wrong with this. After all, the original owner of this body was a character who didn’t go to class often.

So she truthfully said her true level: “I learned it.”

But Gu Ci is in the science class, and the mathematics in the liberal arts class and the science class is different. Yan Luqing cautiously added: “It should be passable.”


Gu Ci’s eyes seemed to be filled with words, most of which came from the peculiarity of a genius. Yan Luqing didn’t understand it and didn’t want to understand it either.

“Let’s start with advanced mathematics first then.” Yan Luqing took out the textbook and looked at it with a sad face. “I am really afraid of it.”

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Gu Ci’s hand movement of turning the pen paused for a while, “Why are you afraid?”

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“Have you never heard a saying?” While holding her cheek in her hand, Yan Luqing said to him word by word, “Once upon a time, there was a ‘tall tree[1]’, on which many people were hung on it…”



Then they entered the formal lecture session.

The advanced mathematics, which is supposed to be very difficult, is unexpectedly accepted so easily. Because the first thing to learn about it is a collection, which is compatible with high school knowledge and easy to understand. The probability theory is simpler. Yan Luqing listened to Gu Ci a little bit and many of them seemed to overlap with the probability lesson in her high school mathematics.

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In addition to English and the Ideological and Moral Cultivation, the computer introduction course that Yan Luqing originally thought will be very difficult to learn, turned out can be so easily learned by herself through reading the textbooks only. So there are only two doors left.

But the difficulty lies in these two doors.

The computer’s electrical engineering and college physics are simply a complete wordless book to her.

Gu Ci still said at the beginning: “Electrical engineering has something to do with physics. It doesn’t matter whichever one you understand first, because it will only make it more convenient for you to understand the other one.”

His tone was so relaxed it gave birth to an illusion that she could easily master these two subjects but after he had finished his words, Yan Luqing found that she could not learn one, let alone understand the other.

Gu Ci was indeed talking about the two lessons before. When she heard electrical engineering, she could still brace herself but when she heard physics, Yan Luqing was about to die already. Had it not been for Gu Ci’s voice, she would have fallen into a deep sleep long ago.

[1] the pronunciation in Chinese for ‘advanced’ and ‘high tree’ is the same.

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