Yan Luqing nodded, and walked over briskly.

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Leaving Big Black and Little Black looking at each other.

“That one just now, that one, doesn’t it look like…” Little Black swallowed his saliva. “Big Brother, how come that I feel like I saw a wreath?”

Big Black nodded: “And there’s still one big and one small. When put together… it looks all the more like that.”


Yan Luqing was totally unaware of the conversation between the two. She walked to the door of Gu Ci’s room and knocked on the door symbolically twice.

Hearing his voice coming from inside, she immediately pushed the door and went in.

“Gu Ci——”

Yan Luqing called out his name excitedly, but then she found that the room was completely dark.

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It was two o’clock in the afternoon when she left. She spent several hours in the teahouse and stayed in the small garden for a while. Now the sun had completely set.

Gu Ci probably pulled up the curtains too. Otherwise, there shouldn’t be no light at all in here.

Yan Luqing stood by the door, “Gu Ci, can I turn on the light?”

Gu Ci didn’t speak, but Yan Luqing heard the sound that seemed like he was getting up from the bed, and then there was a ‘click’ sound.

When the light came on suddenly, she saw Gu Ci withdrawing his hand from the switch by the bed’s side.

He looked up and his eyes were still as dark as ink, but there was a little imperceptible fatigue between his eyebrows and eyes. Then he said: “What’s the matter?”

His voice is also a little hoarse.

She doesn’t know if it’s because her eyes haven’t adjusted to the lights yet but Yan Luqing felt that his face is paler than usual, and his lips don’t have the healthy light pink color anymore.

When she came forward, she found that his hair was a little messy from sleeping, and fine sweat was faintly visible on his exposed bright and clean forehead.

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Yan Luqing immediately became concerned about him: “Didn’t you always watch TV at this time? Do you feel uncomfortable?”

Gu Ci chuckled softly when he heard the words, and that good-looking face finally became vivid because of the laugh.

He leaned against the head of the bed and said: “Teaching you is so tiring. Can’t I even have a rest now?”


Okay, he indeed looks really tired. And this reason is good too.

“What are you looking for me for?” Gu Ci asked again without waiting for her to think.

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“Just… nothing else. I only came to give you a little gift.” Yan Luqing felt that she probably disturbed his sleep. She was a little embarrassed to keep staying here and pulled out the two garlands on her back to him. “I made it. Does it look good?”

Gu Ci was silent for a few seconds: “… You made it?”

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Without paying attention to Gu Ci’s expression, Yan Luqing is busy trying to let him rest. So she goes around to the other side of the bed and says, “I will just put it somewhere for you first, then I will go out and won’t disturb your sleep anymore. I will call you again when it’s already dinner time.”

After she put the two large and small white garlands on the table next to her, she walked away, pushed the door and left. Gu Ci stared at the beautiful garlands that did not fit into the room.

Even though she gave such a thing, Yan Luqing’s trip really diverted a lot of his attention.

After a long time, a low sigh sounded in the room.

“It’s not so auspicious…”

But, nevermind.

After all, she personally made it, which could be said as a rare thing.

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Yan Luqing went out of Gu Ci’s room. When she got to the living room again, she saw that Little Black was looking at her with a very stiff expression.

She immediately stopped and touched her face: “Something wrong with me? Is something growing on my face?”

“That’s not it… We only want to ask…” Big Black looks like he is struggling so much, so Little Black says it for him. “We want to ask, Miss Yan, where is the wreath in your hand?”


Yan Luqing was taken aback and then felt that calling the garland like that was not wrong either. Although this ‘wreath’ was not that ‘wreath[1]’… But garlands and wreaths were almost the same in the literal sense.

She replied, “Of course it was for Gu Ci. What stupid question you two are asking?”

“Miss Yan——” Big Black looked at her hesitantly and then after what looked like a long time of constipation, he finally opened his mouth and said with a low voice: “If you want to finish Gu Ci off, you can just say it directly. Why send a wreath as a hint?”


Yan Luqing: ??? Who’s going to finish him off???

[1] the ‘wreath’ YLQ means here is the funeral wreath. It’s the same either in pronunciation or writing.

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