The living room fell into deathly silence for a moment.

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Yan Luqing really didn’t understand how the brains of her two bodyguards grew.

Her garland is indeed a little bigger, but how did it become a funeral wreath? How did it develop into her wanting to finish Gu Ci off?

“Are you mixing with the mafia?” Yan Luqing looked at Big Black angrily and amusingly. “Still talking about ‘finishing off’ Gu Ci? Really, so uncultured?”

Big Black lowered his brows and his eyes showed a submissive look, looking like he was accepting the reprimand so docilely, but Little Black behind him said excitedly: “Miss Yan, I know! He indeed had mixed with them! And his position is not low either!”

Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment. Before her surprise was over, Big Black turned back and blocked Little Black’s mouth, “Don’t talk nonsense”

Then he turned back to look at her again, and said: “He is joking. Please don’t mind it.”

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Everyone has a secret. Yan Luqing is not very interested in this and doesn’t intend to ask in detail but continues to talk about the matter just now.

“Big Black, I always think you are smart.” She said while faking a sad tone. “If it was Little Black who asked this today, I wouldn’t be so surprised. How could you ask such a question?”

Little Black: “?”

She usually ignores Little Black’s doubts, and now she only wondered about what had she done wrong towards Gu Ci since the day she transmigrated to this day that would lead to their misunderstanding like this?

“Say, you two.” Yan Luqing said earnestly, preparing to educate the two of them. “Since the day Gu Ci came to the villa, when did I hurt him?”

Big Black: “That day… when you asked me to drug him?”

Yan Luqing: “…” This is indeed what happened on the day of her crossing in…

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Little Black: “That time in the Butterfly Mountain, didn’t Gu Ci fall down with you and get hurt?”

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Yan Luqing: “…” Damn…

Give them some colors and they will start a dyeing workshop. Let them say it and they really hit the bull’s eyes!!!

Yan Luqing stared bitterly at the two bodyguards. This was definitely caused by being too spoiled. So lawless and speaks without consideration at all!

“Is that all the things you two remembered? Why don’t you see a little bit of the good point?” She gritted her teeth. “How active am I when I tried to find a doctor for Gu CI? Didn’t I even help him get his revenge? That grandson of the Jin family can’t even walk on his own now! I brought him to the Butterfly Mountain to let him relax——Relax, do you understand???”

Big Black and Little Black nodded: “Yes.”

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“We of course know that you are good to Gu Ci.” Little Black scratched his head with a dazed expression, “But, wasn’t it you who let us say the time you had hurt him…”

Yan Luqing rolled her eyes and no longer wanted to care about these two people anymore. She turned and went upstairs.


The Big Black and Little Black who stayed in place glanced at each other.

Little Black suddenly elbowed Big Black’s arm: “Hey, Big Brother. Do you still remember what I told you on the morning of the second day when I came to work?”

“You are so talkative.” Big Black was speechless. “How do I know which sentence it is?”

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“…” Little Black was used to being complained by the people in the villa so he automatically ignored the first half of his sentence and replied, “It’s the sentence ‘I think Miss Yan is pretty good.”

Big black has a good memory and he immediately remembered that morning. It seems that Little Black went to Yan Luqing to apologize and thank her, and then went downstairs with a blushing face.

The conversation between the two at that time was:

– She is actually pretty good.

– She pretends it.

Little Black: “Do you still think she is pretending? Can people really pretend to this extent?”

Big Black was silent for a long time.

He remembered that at first, he had always hinted to himself every time that she was mentally ill, so the sudden change and amnesia were not necessarily true or pretended. Anyway, he just had to obey the orders and report to the psychologist.

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