Yan Luqing dizzily returned to the room. Before she could stand still, she saw a flash of shadow flying past her eyes.

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She was taken aback, and when she took a closer look, she realized that it was not a human being, but a machine.

Or more accurately, it’s a robot that doesn’t look much like a human being——Its head is flat, its limbs are metal, its torso is like a PC computer, and its metal end has wheels. Instead of ‘walking’, it’s gliding——It’s just a robot that gives off the visual feeling of a PC computer installed with a vacuum cleaner under it.

This thing, that was neither fish nor fowl, glides towards Yan Luqing’s front side, and then a mechanical female voice comes out from its flat ‘head’: “Master, the bath water is ready for you.”

Yan Luqing: “…………”

Despite its ugly appearance, the artificial intelligence is awesome.

It’s just that, being called ‘Master’ feels too awkward.

Yan Luqing was a hands-on person. She immediately fiddled with the computer and found that there was a code name system. The ‘Master’ code seemed to be the initial, and the original owner had never set it before. So, now she can modify it at will.

Yan Luqing thought about it and changed it to ‘Maria’.

——She has to use this code name to remind herself at all times: Since you’re already in this situation, take it easy. Don’t get angry easily. Learn from the real Virgin Mary, and make atonement for the world.

So for the first time in her life, Yan Luqing enjoyed the service of artificial intelligence and took a bath in the valuable Jacuzzi. Her tattered body finally felt a lot more comfortable.

After taking a bath, Yan Luqing looked at her face in the full-length mirror in the bathroom.

Yan Luqing has never been in a relationship before, but she has been the most well-known person on the school’s confession wall since her childhood. In the schools, whenever the beauty in the school was mentioned, her name would definitely come out first.

Except for the lighter hair color, the eyebrows, nose and lips of the person in the mirror are almost the same as how she was before. But when it is put together, it gives a completely different feeling.

The face is too thin and the eyes are bigger. Although the shape is beautiful, there’s no spirit in the eye’s pupil. In addition, her face is too pale, and she looks gloomy when she doesn’t make any facial expression. If she does her hair and puts on a simple makeup, she can directly play as a female ghost.

This body is simply skinny beyond what is proper.

Yan Luqing was originally thin too, with slender waist and long legs, which is in line with the public aesthetic. But she thinks that her previous figure looks very healthy, and not as morbid as it is now——Her limbs and waist seem to be so thin that it can be easily broken, just like a two dimensional ‘paper’ person who really came out to the world.

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Although it is very untimely, Yan Luqing recalled that in those dog blood novels where the female lead is always described as ‘like a rag doll that has been played broken’, and it seems to fit her present body very well.

…This is really too messed up.

After the rag doll dried her hair with a hair dryer, she ran her hands in her hair a few times at random. However, as she swept it down, she found little wisps beside her feet and those things…seemed to be hair.

Fresh one, and just fell down.

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The rag doll turned stupid.

Why! Does she! Have! So——much hair falling out!!!

What kind of tattered body is this?!

Didn’t she cross into a mentally ill patient? Why is it like crossing into a terminally ill patient???

Yan Luqing looked at herself in the mirror speechlessly.

She turned bald.

And not turned stronger.

Yan Luqing didn’t sleep well that night. Because she dreamt that her hair was falling more and more, not even a strand left in the end, and she became bald.

The next morning, as soon as Yan Luqing woke up, she heard the greetings from the mechanical female voice: “Good morning, Maria!”


Yan Luqing heard this ‘Maria’, and said inwardly ‘To hell with atoning for the world. Who can bear being bald. It’s really not easy to become Maria’.

So the first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to say to the robot: “Bring me a glass of hair growth lotion.”


The robot automatically filters the words that it does not understand, and finally handed her a glass of purified water and asked: “Maria, what would you like for breakfast?”


She suddenly feels a little regret about using this code name. Those who do not know, will think that she has crossed into a western fantasy novel.

Yan Luqing got up and got dizzy after washing. She sat on the head of the bed and drank a bowl of white porridge so arduously as if she was paralyzed with the pregnancy’s morning sickness. It took a long time before she could move out of the bedroom.

A black-clothed bodyguard stood outside the door. The first moment he saw her, he abruptly made a ninety degree bow: “Good morning, Miss Yan!”

Yan Luqing: “… If you have something to say, raise your head.”

The bodyguard straightened up, and only then did Yan Luqing see that he was the brainless head who recited the original master’s life aloud before.

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Originally, Big Black said yesterday that the bodyguard who had offended her with rude remarks had already been arranged to leave. Fortunately, Yan Luqing remembered that it was this brainless head, and stopped him from doing so. He probably came for this now.

Sure enough, the brainless head solemnly thanked her: “Thank you, Miss Yan, for yesterday’s not killing——No, thank you Miss Yan for giving me a chance to make a mistake——No, thank you Miss Yan for letting me forgive——”

… So, this fool got hired, definitely because of his high combat power.

Yan Luqing couldn’t listen anymore, and interrupted him warmly: “Or, I will let you discuss it with your mouth first before you speak?”


The brainless head blushed so much that his face turned dark and he finally shut up, turned his body around and went downstairs.

Big Black was taken aback for a while when he saw the blushing little bodyguard, and then called him aside: “What did you say to Miss Yan? You didn’t make her angry, did you?”

Brainless head: “No. And I don’t think Miss Yan is as terrible as the legend. She is really good.”

Big black said with a deep and painful tone, but resolutely and decisively: “She is pretending.”

Yan Luqing still didn’t know that she had been staged by his own bodyguard.

She was sitting in the living room, holding a cup of health tea made with Chinese wolfberry, jujube and chrysanthemum, and swallowing it bit by bit.

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Before crossing, the eighteen-year-old Yan Luqing has always been the outstanding young people who pay attention to health preservation. It’s just that, she has a good health foundation and follows the principle of ‘although I drink and stay up late to play games, I am a good girl’.

But once she crossed into the body of a rather sick and weak mental patient with the risk of baldness, then she had to get serious.

——Although she has the body of a terminally ill patient and also the one with mental illness, she is a healthy girl.

Yan Luqing is actually full of doubts now.

With her crossing over, then, where did the original owner go?

If she doesn’t follow the story of the original owner, what will happen then?

Others have a golden finger and a system when crossing into the book. Does she really have not even a fart?

Yan Luqing drank the health tea while thinking. Halfway through her drink, the door of the bathroom in the living room suddenly ‘clicked’ and the sound of the built-in lock being twisted open was heard. She turned her head and looked over.

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The person who came out of it was someone she would have never expected.

Gu Ci’s hair is still a bit wet and a white towel was draped over his shoulders. There are several water stains on his clothes. It’s obvious that he has just taken a bath and wants to go back to his room.

His steps were very slow because the house was not only big, but also full of decorations, making it quite luxurious. According to Gu Ci’s description yesterday, he can only see the outline, he should, and could only, walk probingly.

Yan Luqing is full of question marks.

Yesterday, when she went to Gu Ci’s room, she had looked around and found that the room was obviously equipped with a bathroom. Why didn’t Gu Ci, who was almost blind, take a bath in his own room and come out to toss around the living room instead?

Just when she was thinking about it, Gu Ci’s foot almost reached a short flower stand on the side.

Yan Luqing hurriedly stopped: “Ehhh waitttt——!”

Gu Ci stopped and stood in place.

Yan Luqing walked over immediately and explained: “I called you to stop because there is a flower stand here, and you don’t seem to see it.”

As she said, she tugged Gu Ci’s wrist and took his hand towards his side and let him touch it, “——Here.”

Gu Ci’s wrist is cold and thin. Yan Luqing’s own hands were also ridiculously thin. At the moment when she touches him, she suddenly has a feeling of sympathizing with Gu Ci, so she doesn’t feel the obvious stiffness and low air pressure from the person by her side.

Two seconds later, she heard Gu Ci say: “Okay, I feel it now.”

“I will take you back to your room.” Yan Luqing let go of his hand and walked a little ahead of him.

This corridor is really very long, and in the end when they finally reached the door of the room, Yan Luqing couldn’t help asking: “Gu Ci, why don’t you use the bathroom inside?”

There are so many servants in such a big house, so she thought that there would never be a problem with the facilities.

After hearing the words, Gu Ci turned his face towards her.

When that pair of dark beautiful eyes were looking at her, Yan Luqing felt that his gaze was focused for a moment and as if it really stabs at her, but then the next moment it dispersed again.

“There’s indeed a bathroom inside.” His voice was still calm, with a little bit of hoarseness from waking up early and also a little bit of unspeakable significance in it. He leaned to the side and said, “Is it convenient for you to come in for a while?”

So Yan Luqing held the health tea and stepped into this room for the second time.

She followed Gu Ci and watched Gu Ci push open the bathroom door in the room.

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He unhurriedly turned on the switch of the sink, and there was no water.

He turned on the shower switch again, and there was no water again.

After doing this, Gu Ci leaned against the sink and looked in the direction of Yan Luqing quietly. He didn’t speak, and his whole body exudes coldness and indifference. With this appearance of his, it always gives people the feeling that he knows everything like the back of his hand.

“It turned out that it really is broken…” Yan Luqing smacked her tongue, “You go out and wait. I will find someone to help you fix it.”

Gu Ci gave her a smile: “Okay, thank you.”

Yan Luqing is still not used to this face which in the original book was stamped with the value and prestige of a mafia boss. She was stunned a little while by this smile, and then went out and called Big Black in.

“Why is there no water here? Send someone to fix it. ” Yan Luqing finished speaking, and complained for Gu Ci consciously and thoughtfully, “It was already inconvenient for him to move around, and this is too frustrating.”

However, BIg Black’s expression turned out to be…somewhat constipated.

This tall man with a loyal and reliable appearance suddenly turned around and closed the bathroom door. He walked back to Yan Luqing. His voice was extremely low, as if he was afraid that people outside would hear him——

“Miss Yan, are you performing it for Mr. Gu to see or for me to see?” He said anxiously, “If you don’t let me know in advance, I won’t know what you mean!”


Yan Luqing also lowered her voice and replied, “Did I perform anything?”

Big Black looked at her like looking at a fool.

After a while, he made a phone call: “Doctor Qu, this time Miss Yan may be really split… Or some other symptom. I think it is very serious. Can you please treat her again?”

Yan Luqing:???

She suddenly realized something.

The memory of the original owner won’t come out by itself. She has to think about it consciously to be able to see it. Seeing this current confusion, Yan Luqing looked it up a little bit in her mind for a while, just like yesterday….

Sure enough, she found the scene where the original owner ordered Big Black to destroy the bathroom in Gu Ci’s room in advance.


The clown is actually myself.

Damn it. This master really vomited.

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