Yan Luqing now has a huge doubt in her mind——Actually, is she here to cross into a book or to carry the pot[1]?

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The pot she carries on her back can already be taken out to open a pot shop, right?

Just then, as if the embarrassment at the moment was not enough, Gu Ci’s voice came from the outside, and his tone seemed very concerned: “Is the toilet difficult to repair?”

Yan Luqing: “……”

There is no problem with the words themselves, but why are they so sarcastic when she listens to them now in this condition.

But that is Gu Ci. Now, he has not been forced into a blackened big billain yet. How could such a pitiful and kind Gu Ci be a sarcastic person.

Forget it.

When Big Black hangs up the phone, Yan Luqing makes a mouth zippering gesture to him, and then turns around to open the toilet door.

Gu Ci was sitting on the edge of the bed.

To be more precise, his entire upper body was leaning on the soft pillow at the head of the bed, as if he was boneless. Unexpectedly, he looked very comfortable and satisfied.

Yan Luqing squeezed a smile at him: “It’s not difficult to repair the toilet. The door suddenly closed because he received a call and had something urgent to tell me.”

“Okay.” Gu Ci nodded very cooperatively.

Yan Luqing winked at Big Black, and said as she walked towards the door: “Then I will go——”

Before she said the word ‘first’,Gu Ci suddenly interrupted her.

He slowly sat up straight on the bed, and asked an irrelevant question: “You will attend it today, right?”

Yan Luqing:?

Yan Luqing suddenly stopped her steps abruptly: “What am I… attending?”

Without waiting for Gu Ci’s reply, Big Black cleared his throat and reminded: “Miss Yan, Young Master Jin’s birthday party will be held at noon today. The stylist your mother appointed for you will be here soon.”

Young Master Jin——In other words, Jin Qi’an’s birthday party?

Probably because it doesn’t involve the protagonist of the story. This is an unknown plot that hasn’t been written in the original book.

But this is not the first thing that Yan Luqing feels surprised about.

She walked to a place closer to Gu Ci and stood still, curiously asked: “Why do you pay attention to Jin Qi’an’s birthday party?”

“I didn’t pay attention to it originally,” Gu Ci said with a smile, “But I still have something left in his place. If you go, will it be convenient for you to bring it back for me? “

Yan Luqing is even more curious: “Is that thing very important?”

“Mobile phone.”


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This is the lifeblood of humans in this contemporary era! An extremely important thing!

Yan Luqing was about to agree but when the words were already in her mouth, it turned a circle, and she suddenly gave birth to a wonderful idea.

She opened her mouth: “Gu Ci.”


Yan Luqing felt excited for her proposal: “Do you want to… go with me?”

——This is a plot that has not been written in the original book. The original owner probably went, because Jin Qi’an gave her face first and ‘transferred’ Gu Ci into her hands. It happened that Jin Qi’an’s birthday was just two days away. It would be hard to justify if the original owner didn’t attend it.

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At that time in the book, Gu Ci must have been trapped in this villa.

Taking advantage of the original owner’s identity with so many pots on her back, naturally, she has to make full use of them whenever she can.

Why should Gu Ci suffer such a sin while that narrow minded one was having a happy and dignified birthday party, eating and drinking extravagantly?

Yan Luqing wanted to take Gu Ci with her.

She deliberately wants to make him feel unhappy.

She deliberately wants to make a mess for him, so as not to let him have a good birthday!

After asking that sentence, Yan Luqing saw the most obvious change on Gu Ci’s face from the time she crossed over to the present.

Although it was only for a moment, it was obvious that he was stunned.

Gu CI has always been in that kind of peaceful and calm appearance, like having the situation well in hand. Although she doesn’t understand why, it’s actually quite a sense of accomplishment to see this kind of person being surprised by herself.

What she didn’t know was that Gu Ci was just feeling a little bored already by staying dull.

The physical pain and discomfort does not matter to him. Instead, he wanted to see what the purpose of this lunatic is, as her performance this time was so completely different.

He also wants to see how long and to what extent this woman can pretend.

Gu Ci actually doesn’t need her help with the mobile phone, and he has countless ways to get it back.

So he was just testing it.

He guessed many kinds of outcomes, but he didn’t expect it to develop into what it is now: He and this woman are sitting in the dressing room together, and are about to attend Jin Qi’an’s birthday party together.

“… What are you laughing at?”

After Yan Luqing finished her eye makeup, as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Gu Ci’s smiling face that was reflected in the mirror. His eyelashes were drooping and the corners of his mouth were curled up, as if he had encountered something interesting.

Gu Ci raised his eyes, his misty eyes seemed to be able to see her clearly: “I was feeling funny that sure enough, different species indeed couldn’t understand each other.”

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Indeed. Yan Luqing, for example, could not understand his words.

But her attention was quickly attracted by another touch——

“Eh, eh, eh——Let’s talk it out if you have something to say, just don’t touch my hair!” Yan Luqing shouted loudly in time to stop the stylist from pulling her hair.

The stylist is a thin and tall blonde man, dressed in simple clothes and handsome in appearance. At this time, he seemed to be frightened by Yan Luqing’s actions, and he stammered: “Miss, Miss Yan, this is just a simple hairstyle, and it will be done soon.”

Yan Luqing, who vowed to protect her own hair, declined: “No can do. You can just curl it twice. My hair is almost bald and I can’t afford to toss and lose my hair again.”

The stylist didn’t expect this to be the reason, but after a moment of being stunned, he followed suit.

After the hair was done, Yan Luqing, who originally thought it would only be a styling done for a passing by the catwalk like modelling, was extremely surprised by the final result.

The appearance that she disliked in front of the mirror just last night has become ten times pleasing to the eye. The dark circles under her eyes are gone, and the pale complexion under the makeup has lost its strangeness. The facial features are delicate and beautiful,  the hair is slightly curly, and the curls are very fluffy. It looks full on the top of the head and the hair volume is gratifying.

She seems to see her old self again.

Gu Ci changed his clothes earlier than Yan Luqing, and even though he just displayed his bare face there, the stylist’s assistant was unable to start. The assistant was a little girl. She looked left and looked right, then her whole face blushed red. She dawdled and whispered to the stylist, “I don’t think this one needs the styling that much…”

Originally, men could do fewer styles than women, so in the end Gu Ci just changed his clothes and sat on the chair by the side and closed his eyes to rest.

When Yan Luqing followed the assistant to the dressing room to adjust the skirt, only the stylist, Big Black and Gu Ci were left in the dressing room.

Styling the hair of this famous bomb, Yan Luqing, is comparable to running a marathon. After the stylist finished a set, he was so tired that he was sweating all over his head. He was fairly familiar with Big Black, and he asked quietly, “Why did Miss Yan’s temperament change so much recently? It wasn’t like this too when I saw her last time. Has her brain been cured? “

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Big Black stood by the door and didn’t notice that Gu Ci, who was sleeping soundly, was actually pretending to sleep, and he just directly answered: “No. She is sick again, and this time it is really serious.”

Then, considering Yan Luqing’s previous record, he added: “But for the time being, I don’t know if she was pretending or not.”

Gu Ci: “……”

“Oh, that’s a pity.” The stylist said regretfully, “I also think she is much more sick this time than before.”


Gu Ci finally opened his eyes and slowly got up from the chair. He sorted out the clothes on his lower body at random, and the whole person looked unusually straight, like a tall bamboo.

But both Big Black and the stylist were taken aback.

When Gu Ci passed by the two, he gestured to them slightly, “Tell Yan Luqing, I will go to the car and wait for her there.”

Big Black was stunned: “Why?”

Gu Ci: “I’m afraid of getting contaminated.”


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Eleven o’clock in the morning.

Yan Luqing had some problems with her clothes, because she had lost weight again, and her waist was now smaller, which took some time to fix it.

As soon as she got out of the dressing room, Big Black was already waiting outside: “Miss Yan, we can go now.”

“Where is Gu Ci?”

“He is already in the car.”

After going out of the villa’s gate, Yan Luqing felt that it was not good to always call Big Black with ‘Hey’, and it would be impolite to give someone a nickname in her heart too, so she first asked: “By the way, what’s your name?”

Big Black has already adapted to her ‘amnesia’ symptom very quickly now: “Miss Yan, we are all arranged by number, you have been calling our number until yesterday.”

“What’s your number then?”



You don’t seem to match this number.

Yan Luqing wanted to speak but hesitated and found nothing to say, then she just stopped. In the end, she still can’t call this number that represents the secret agent’s number. “…Well, I will call you Big Black starting from today.”


Although Big black feels strange, after thinking about it carefully, there’s actually nothing strange about it too.

After all, as long as he silently recites that Miss Yan is a mentally ill patient ten times, then everything will become very logical.

Big Black asked again: “How many people are you going to take with you?”

“Just two, you, and Little Black. Little Black is——” Yan Luqing pointed to him, and then pointed to the brainless head at the door, who has a mouth but seems like having none, “Him. This is the name I just came up with. Later, remember to tell him that. You two just get used to it.”

Big Black is steady and wise, Little Black is reckless and stupid.

She is such a naming genius.

Yan Luqing continued to order the plan she had arranged in advance: “This time, we will follow the plan according to what I have told you in the morning. Even if Jin Qi’an knows what I’m doing, he can only swallow it in his stomach. You are the manner guide, and Little Black is the action guide. Our goal is to have one of his legs. Remember to explain it clearly to Little Black.”

“I understand.”

Yan Luqing looked at the burly and dark young man who ran towards her quickly, and finally couldn’t help but ask the question that she already guessed in her mind: “By the way, was Little Black recruited because he was particularly good at fighting?”

Big Black nodded: “After all, you have also seen his IQ.”

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When she got in the car, because it was a limousine type model, Yan Luqing sat face to face with Gu Ci.

Gu Ci is wearing a black suit without any patterns, but the simple tailoring has brought his appearance to a new level.

Inside the quiet car, the one with the lowest IQ was the one who spoke first.

Little Black is a person that couldn’t hold back once he had a problem. In addition, he had not been punished for saying the wrong thing before, so he just directly asked when he wanted to ask: “Miss Yan, why does Mr. Gu have to wear sunglasses like us?”

Gu Ci did wear sunglasses on his face, which was discussed by Yan Luqing and him before.

Calculating the time, it has been two months since Gu Ci disappeared from the public’s view, and it was difficult to explain the matter about his eyes that suddenly couldn’t see. The second generation of the rich likes to wear sunglasses at birthday parties, either to gain vanity or cover up the temperament they lack. Even if someone asks, Yan Luqing can help explain that he hurt his eyes when he went skiing.

Little black understood it after listening to the explanation.

But seeing that Gu Ci’s dress is no different from that of Big Black and himself, which was a black suit and now even the black sunglasses are the same, he can’t help but ask: “Then, with us dressing so similar like this, what if Mr. Gu is taken as a bodyguard?”

Yan Luqing answered him like it was a matter of course: “You don’t have to worry about this. With just a glance, everyone will know that he is a young master.”

Little Black: “……”

It is not very lethal, but extremely insulting.

The villa is located in the suburbs, and it takes about forty to fifty minutes to drive to the destination. Yan Luqing glanced from left to right and took a fancy on the TV in the car. She first obtained Gu Ci’s consent, and then, due to her lack of experience as a rich person, she did not know how to turn on the TV, so she instructed Big Black to turn on the TV.

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Originally, Yan Luqing just wanted to be less awkward in the car, but she didn’t expect that the drama played would be very fascinating——

The female lead is reborn and the female partner who fancy the male lead is also reborn, but the male lead doesn’t. This leads to the two women who know the whole story and like the same person to entrap each other. At present, the vicious female partner is better, with the combination of green tea[1] and white lotus[2]. The female lead can’t play her at all.

The reborn vicious female partner coaxed the male lead into a daze, but in fact she doesn’t really like the male lead. She just died miserably in her last life, so she only wants to hug his thigh in this life.

The plot is very heart-breaking now. The real good girl feels dejected and the bad woman is having her nose in the air.

When the commercial was inserted in the middle of the show, Yan Luqing said sincerely: “I didn’t expect there would be such an interesting rebirth drama here.”

Little Black couldn’t help complaining: “This woman is really bad. She obviously died so painfully in her last life. After pretending to be a good person in this life, the male lead is even being played around by her.”

Yan Luqing: “That’s really too obvious, isn’t it?”

Later, Big Black couldn’t help but join the group’s chat. Yan Luqing felt that their discussion here was a little too much, so she took the initiative to find a topic with Gu Ci: “Gu Ci, have you watched this drama before?”

Gu CI said: “I have seen it.”

It turns out that he has seen it!

Yan Luqing’s eyes brightened: “Then what do you think of this drama?”

Gu Ci looked at her direction, his eyes looked very deep but the outline was very soft: “I think this reborn girl who died miserably in her last life has good acting skills.”

Yan Luqing slapped her own thigh: “Haha, I think so too!”


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