After Makabaka went offline, Yan Luqing continued to read the Eldest Senior Brother’s WeChat on her mobile phone.

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He seems to be in a good mood. There are some pink and yellow bubbles on his profile picture. At present, there is no negative emotion at all.

Yellow: 「Today, it’s really thanks to Master.」

Pink: 「That Little Junior Sister is pretty good.」

Yellow: 「I am so sleepy. It’s been so many days already and I can finally have a good sleep tonight.」

Yan Luqing breathed a sigh of relief.

This can’t be a liar, right? Although this Eldest Seniot Brother didn’t mention the word hypnosis in his psychological activities, but seeing all of these, it probably means… he can finally get a good sleep and it is because of her help?

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It seems that there is no problem.

Then her last worry is relieved. In the future, she will concentrate on practicing, and the day when she can take down Princess Ci is just around the corner already.

At the time for dinner, Yan Luqing went downstairs ahead of time and knocked on Gu Ci’s door.

When she went in, the light inside was on. Gu Ci was standing by the bed, and the garlands she gave were still placed on the table.

Yan Luqing walked to him and smelled the scent of shower gel on Gu Ci’s body. His hair looked soft and a little wet, while his clothes were different from before.

Obviously, he had taken a bath.

“Aren’t you sleeping?” Yan Luqing wondered, “Why did you take a bath?”

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Gu Ci turned sideways to face her.

After taking a bath, she saw that his complexion was a little better than before, but his lips were still very pale. His whole person looked very icy and cold like snow.

“It’s not because of anything else.” He stretched out his finger and pointed to the table on one side, with a faint smile on his face. “I can’t sleep mainly because of looking at these two rings.”


She didn’t care about the details when she placed it. She just wanted to go out quickly and let him continue his sleep, so it turned into a big ring circling the small ring.

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Looking at it this way, it’s really a little bit like…

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Yan Luqing took her eyes back from the garlands and set her eyes back at Gu Ci again: “But you do know about it, right?”

“Know about what?” Gu Ci’s tone was slightly prolonged. “Know why you unknowingly made it so big and still didn’t realize that it looked like a wreath?” After saying so, he nodded. “That one, I know.”

“…” In any case, he knew that she just accidentally made it wrong.

Yan Luqing decided to ignore the hidden poison in his words and seriously explained: “Originally, I only wanted to make a small one, but the first one I made inexplicably turned up so big, so I think that the big one can be used as a decoration and then I made another one again that is smaller…”

“But Big Black and Little Black anger me so much!” She said angrily, “I obviously came to give you a gift, but they actually thought that I came to attend your funeral.”

Gu Ci smiled, “That can’t be blamed on them either.”

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What’s the matter with this strange painting style?

She was like a reckless lord who not only gave his wife the wrong gift but was also suspected by his subordinates.

And what’s happening now is a scene where her wife knows the righteousness and speaks for her subordinates instead.

Yan Luqing blinked and threw the strange thought out of her mind, and clarified again: “These are really not a wreath…” After a pause, she lowered her voice and said, “Actually, that one needs to be worn.”

“… Where do you wear it?” Gu Ci observed the two wreaths for a few seconds, then looked back at her and smiled. “I think it’s more reliable if you say that it can be used as a hula hoop.”

“…” To hell with hula hoops!

Yan Luqing glared at him, walked to the table in two steps and took the small garland into her hand. She just wanted to raise her hand to Gu Ci’s head and put it on his head, but he reacted quickly and moved to the side instead.

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