The height difference between the two is about 20 centimeters. Yan Luqing doesn’t know the specifics, but if Gu Ci doesn’t want to, she definitely can’t put it on his head.

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“Oh, it turned out to be a headdress.” The look in his eyes became somewhat interested. “If you like it, I can understand that. But why did you give it to me?”

“It feels fresh!” Yan Luqing looked at him. “Are you sure you haven’t worn this kind of headdress in your life?”

Gu Ci was silent for three seconds, and then said, “I don’t think you have drunk Arsenic trioxide either. Next time, I will give you a bottle. Will it feel fresh then?”

Yan Luqing: “……”

Yan Luqing was speechless: “I think you have drunk it, and you must still paint your lips with it every day.”

Gu Ci didn’t express any opinion about her weak counterattack, but leaned against the table and watched her with a smile. There is a slightly upward arc at the end of the eye, which is just right when used to seduce people under the bright light of the lamp.

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Yan Luqing was tickled by his smile.

She was thinking about how nice it will look if he wears the garland.

Once this garland is worn, will the temperament of a forest Princess come out?

“Just wear it. It really took me a long time to make it…”

She looked at Gu Ci eagerly. That pair of bright and smart apricot eyes widened into a round shape unconsciously, turning into extremely lovely dog eyes. Her eyes that are moist and bright are staring at him with a wet look just like that.

Gu Ci suddenly thought back to the time when she wanted him to teach her last week. At that time, Yan Luqing also put on exactly the same expression like this one.

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The room was silent for a moment.

It didn’t take long for the cool and pleasant male voice to say: “I will wear it for a while and you will wear it for a day.”

“…???” Yan Luqing was about to become happy when she heard the first half of the sentence. Unexpectedly, he still had another condition and the condition is still a very weird one.

“Why… am I wearing it?”

“You can also choose not to wear it.” Gu Ci said while looking indifferent. “That’s better because I also don’t have to wear it too.”

“…” Yan Luqing hesitated for a moment, “Then you have to let me take a picture.”

Gu Ci agreed.

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She pressed Gu Ci on the edge of the bed to let him sit down, and then put the garland on his head as she wished. Then she turns on her mobile phone camera and takes a picture of Gu Ci with the correct angle.

It wasn’t a full frontal shot and he didn’t look at the lens either, but it was this angle that separated a bright and a shadowy area from the bridge of his nose. Gu Ci’s skin and the small white flowers look like the same color under the lighting, while his hair and eyes are the same pure black, and his eyelashes are slightly drooping.

He doesn’t have any expressions, but it is this expression that can show the exquisite features of his facial features, making this picture almost like a work of art.

Yan Luqing was so satisfied.

The princess with a crown is indeed the most beautiful!

Although this is not a formalcrown… a white garland can also be worn by him into something like this. In short, it is very precious and beautiful.

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After taking the picture, Gu Ci didn’t even ask her mobile phone to see the result. This is probably the confidence of Princess Ci.

The more Yan Luqing looks at the picture, the more she likes it. Gu Ci who was beside her had already taken off the garland by himself and held it in his hand. She leaned over and excitedly called him: “Gu Ci.”

He replied: “Yeah.”

“Can I show this picture to others?” Yan Luqing looked pleased with herself. “Look, how beautiful it is.”

“?” Gu Ci raised his head expressionlessly, looked at her with ‘daddy doesn’t want to’ written in his left eye and ‘dare you?’ written in his right eye, and then opened his mouth to say: “No.”

Yan Luqing’s disappointed expression hadn’t come out yet and the corners of her eyes already saw the swaying movement of Gu Ci’s hand. Then, a slight weight comes to her head.

… He put the garland on her.

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