While Yan Luqing was getting thundered by her own brain, a cold voice came to her ears at the same time.

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“So, it might be more than half?” Gu Ci looked at her and seemed to ask casually.

Yan Luqing felt that it would certainly be possible, but she didn’t say it.

Because she is curious…

“What if I can’t get more than half?”

“It’s nothing either.” Gu Ci smiled at her, with a gentle look and a gentle tone. “It’s only, the family is unfortunate.”


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Yan Luqing was shocked for a moment: “No, even if it’s unfortunate, at least it should be ‘the teacher’s misfortune’ right…”

“Almost the same.” Gu Ci leaned back leisurely and explained his previous sentence, “Being a teacher for one day, and a father for life.”


Yan Luqing: Grass[1](a kind of plant).

So since she is the dignified head of the house, give her hammering praises please!!

This is not a righteous wife, this is a fucking Cobra wife with poison on his mouth.


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It is said that the midterm results here will come out in just a few days, so Yan Luqing spent two days playing games indulgently in the villa while waiting for the results.

In these two days, she called Gu Ci to double row together.

Before calling, she actually hesitated——After all, playing games depends on the feeling of one’s hand. What if she suddenly failed in her game? Gu Ci will have to connote herself like how he connoted the vegetable chicken that day.

But unexpectedly, it didn’t happen.

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Gu Ci’s level was higher by 20 stars than Yan Luqing’s level at that time when she was guiding the twin sisters who had just played, and the double-row neutralization was still considered a low star set. They won very smoothly and cooperated with each other quite tacitly. They occasionally encountered losers teammates who hung them up or met the kind of very vegetable teammates whose vegetable level has reached the level of another world.

The positions she and Gu Ci most often played are the double C and jungle. But there is one game where Gu Ci is on the fifth floor and there is only an auxiliary position left. When he hadn’t locked the hero’s position, Yan Luqing still jokingly said: “You can just take the deer and ride it on my head.”

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Then Gu Ci really took a deer——One of its big tricks is to hang on the head of other heroes and generate shields. The body form is a small deer and this cute auxiliary hero is often jokingly called ‘Princess Yaoyao’ by players.

Yan Luqing laughed on the spot.

Her mind was full of the words ‘Princess Ci plays Princess Yaoyao’. From time to time, she glanced at Gu Ci who was sitting not far away from her, looked at his slightly cold side face, and then thought again that what he is controlling in his hand is a deer which is hanging on her head. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to laugh. In the end, she couldn’t stop, which affected the way they fought and the jungling play.

In the last round, because the shooter developed so well, he became a big daddy, and took the other four people to fly. Yan Luqing’s achievements were so mixed that she feels uncomfortable when she sees them. Even her achievements by only bringing Gu Ci as the support is already very extraordinary.

At the beginning of the second game, she encouraged Gu Ci again: “Just play this round with Yaoyao and ride on my head again.”

“And then, ride on your head to see how you vegetable around again?” Gu Ci smiled and declined, “Better forget it then.”

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He probably heard something fishy from her unstoppable laugh and in the next double row, he never took the deer as a hero again.

The reason why he played the game for two days was because Yan Luqing was in a special situation, her score was already out earlier than other students and the school had also told Old Master Yan in advance.

[Big Boss Yan]: You passed.

[Big Boss Yan]: [Picture]

When Yan Luqing received this WeChat message, she happened to be in a mid-time break with Gu Ci. She thought for more than ten seconds before she realized——This is talking about her midterm exam.

When she clicked on the picture, it turned out to be the handwritten scores of her exam in each subject. Yan Luqing glanced briefly and saw that except for the two most difficult subjects, which just passed a little bit over 60 points, the rest were generally more than 70 points, with 80 points in the Ideological and Moral Cultivation subject, and more than 90 points in English.

This is too awesome! She praised herself in her heart.

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