Yan Luqing was waiting for the third message from Big Boss Yan to praise her. However, she stared and waited for dozens of seconds and after a minute, the other party still has no intention of sending another message.

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“… Speechless.” Yan Luqing complained ferociously towards the screen. “Such a big matter, he only sent me so little words.”

How can she boast to him then?

Normally,wouldn’t people send——’You passed, my granddaughter. Grandfather didn’t misjudge you. Your grades are very good, you are great.’

Then she will reply——’Thank you, Grandfather. As long as one has a hand, they will be able to do it.’

But, what’s going on?

While Yan Luqing complains about it in her heart, she still replies to him with the big words of ‘Thank you Grandfather’.

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She told the people in the villa in a blink of an eye and the reaction of everyone was diametrically opposite to that of Old Master Yan. Everyone not only praised her excitedly, but the Cook Aunt even decided to cook a few more dishes in the evening to celebrate it.

This is the right one!

Yan Luqing sat on the sofa and looked at Gu Ci on the other side of the sofa. He was much more calm than others. He didn’t seem to think that this result was any surprise. He even asked her when there was no one around them: “Do they know that you can pass the exam with just 50 points?”

“……” Yan Luqing glared at him, “What’s wrong with 50 points? Those 50 points were also what I got by myself!”

“Besides, I didn’t really get 50 points.” She found the score sheet and held it up for him to see, wishing she could slap it on his face. “Look for yourself! There is not even one that tested 50!”

Gu Ci smiled at her after reading it: “Yeah. It’s very amazing.”

Then, before Yan Luqing could speak, he said again: “The day you just came back, you said you felt that you had a second success in the college entrance examination.” After a pause, Gu Ci suddenly asked, “Do you think the first college entrance examination was very successful?”

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Yan Luqing said proudly: “Of course.”

She just stepped on the line when she entered, which means that her score next year will be the admission score line of the profession in her own province and city. It will be printed on the admissions reference book. How honored is that!

Gu Ci’s voice came in just at the right time again: “What department did you applied to?”

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The tone of his question was too natural, and Yan Luqing was still unprepared for him most of the time, and directly said the first thought that appeared in her mind: “Chinese…”

When she said one word out, she immediately realized that it was wrong. She quickly braked and swallowed the words ‘Language and Literature’ in the back.

Gu Ci’s expression didn’t change at all. It didn’t seem like he was surprised and still looked at her like that.

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“I mean,” Yan Luqing’s brain ran swiftly and reported a college’s name: “China’s Computer Department of H University.”

Just wanted to applaud and breathe a sigh of relief for her own wit, but Gu Ci, who had no expression at all, smiled a few times because of her rhetoric.

“Are you afraid that I will think it’s a foreign school?” He bent his eyes and said with appreciation: “Miss Yan, it’s so sweet.”


The strange feeling as if he knew everything came again in her heart.

Why is it that what Gu Ci said is getting weirder day after day?

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What the hell does he actually think???

What interrupted the hypnosis before was the academic goal that had to be completed. If she can’t accomplish it, she will be expelled by Big Boss Yan, so she must concentrate on it.

Yan Luqing secretly thought to herself that she would never waste time playing games anymore. She should quickly pick up hypnosis and practice it hard again, and take him down as soon as possible.

At dinner in the evening, Yan Luqing received Mother Yan’s WeChat that told her to go home tomorrow to celebrate her passing the exam.

At the same time, unlike Old Master Yan who has very little inner activity, Mother Yan has been bubbling with various bubbles on her profile picture.

Pink longing: 「”I have to encourage her, so that she will like going to college to study even more in the future.」

Blue melancholy: 「But returning to study is not a glorious thing after all. I still can’t hold a banquet, ah…」

Yellow happiness: 「Anyway, it’s great that she goes back to study again.」

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