“I am saying this not for you to thank me.” The man then asked again, “When are you going to move back? Your stay at your classmate Yan’s place… should be enough already, right?”

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This was Gu Ci’s excuse at the time he contacted him before, when he was still abroad.

He is staying here temporarily to take care of something.

The man was still talking, Gu Ci changed his hand to hold the phone, and when the other side finally finished speaking, he said lightly: “Wait a little longer.”

The man is very puzzled: “Why?”

… Why?

Gu Ci suddenly laughed and answered the question: “Let’s talk again later, Uncle.” He cut off the phone call with the man gently, “You just got off the plane, so be busy first.”

Fortunately, the other party is also familiar with his character, and it is estimated that he will not take it seriously.

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In the afternoon, the sun was strong, and a bunch of curtains, which had never been drawn tightly, were blown in and just fell on the quilt in front of Gu Ci.

As soon as he reached out, the beam of light fell on the lightly textured palm of his hand.


In the room with only one person, he looked at his hand and suddenly bent the corners of his eyes slightly. His voice was very low and soft, as if he was muttering to himself: “Because I found that… it’s been so long.”

Two lifetimes.

“I finally have the ability to feel happy again.”

Yan Luqing’s second face-to-face trial was also quite smooth. She managed to turn on the question and answer mode and gained appreciation. On the way back, she checked the inner drama of the eldest senior brother, which was almost the same as last time.

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On the way back, Yan Luqing felt that she was not taking a car, but was flying freely in the sky with a pair of invisible wings she had instead.

Her Golden Finger has been struggling with Gu Ci for a long time, so she can only try to use her wisdom to conquer this big guy.

While thinking about this, Yan Luqing talked to Makabaka in her mind: “What day is it now? How many days are left until Gu Ci leaves my villa?”

Five seconds later, Makabaka replied: “There are still 21 days left.”

Yan Luqing was stunned.

Her first reaction was: Only 21 days are left…?

The purpose of asking this is for reference, to decide when to attack him, and to listen to the current timeline by the way——After all, as long as she doesn’t go to school, she is the kind of person who won’t know what day of the week it is.

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After Yan Luqing was stunned for the first time, she was stunned again for the second time.

The second is because she didn’t expect herself to have this kind of reaction when she got the answer.

“Maria, why are you asking this?”

“…” Yan Luqing regained her senses, “It’s nothing, because I’m not used to remembering days, so I asked.”

Twenty-one days…that’s okay too.

Nearly a month.

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The first month has been so happy, and the latter will be the same too.

And even if he leaves according to the plot, they are not enemies like in the original book, so she can… go and play with him, right? The happy things may not be shared in time, and she can’t tease him to let the dialog box appear and change the frame anymore… But if something goes wrong, she can still ask him for help, right?

After Yan Luqing came up with these thoughts nonsensically, she shocked herself again: How could a qualified heartless sand sculpture like her entertain herself with imaginary and groundless fears?

She obviously has always believed in ‘passing one day and watching one day’ since she crossed over. How could she start worrying about things that will happen after a long time in the future?

This is not right.

Yan Luqing quickly adjusted her mentality, and when the car finally drove back to the villa, she had also completely stopped her wild thoughts and became happy again.

Anyway, he’s still here now. In any case, she’s about to get what she’s been looking forward to for a long time——It’s really worth being happy about.

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