After the head of the family got out of the car, she didn’t enter the door but walked to the back garden as usual instead, intending to pick some flowers to express her condolences to the poor wife who was about to be offended by her. Otherwise, her conscience would be troubled.

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But she didn’t expect that there were two men standing in her back garden.

The first one she saw was the person that made her so entangled in the car before. He was putting one of his hands in the pocket of his trousers and carrying a water gun sprayer in the other hand. There was no expression on his face. He seemed to sprinkle water on the flowers casually and randomly.

Yan Luqing suddenly remembered a scene depicted in the book.

Later, Gu Ci lived in the Gu family’s big but empty villa. He planted a whole field of flowers and every time he dealt with an enemy or an enemy’s company, he would go home and wash his hands first before watering the flower in that field gently.

This is only a small detail and probably just mentioned by the author at random, because it only appeared once.

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But Yan Luqing was inexplicably poked into the heart.

She didn’t expect to bump into a similar scene so suddenly now.

However, this brief shock was soon broken up——Because she noticed that there was another person beside Gu Ci.

It turned out that Little Black was also watering the flowers, and he had been here for a while already. Because he was set off too much on the background board, Yan Luqing didn’t see him.

Yan Luqing doesn’t like to care for flowers, but she inexplicably liked watering the flowers when she was a child. She was responsible for all the flowers planted in the place where the Dean’s wife lived, but she just liked the feeling of sprinkling water. She didn’t know why the way a person waters the flowers could have such a different feeling from another person.

——Little Black and Gu Ci are holding the same tools and the same small water gun. Obviously, Little Black’s bodyguard clothes are more formal, while Gu Ci’s clothes are just very simple daily clothes without patterns.

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But the atmosphere is extremely different.

Good guys. Putting these two together vividly interpreted the ‘servant watering flowers’ and ‘Princess watering flowers’.

Yan Luqing couldn’t stand it anymore. She walked towards the two of them and said to Little Black: “You’d better stay a little farther away from him.” Yan Luqing almost couldn’t help showing tender care for him. “The comparison is too tragic.”

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Little Black obviously didn’t understand the second half of the sentence. He only knew that Miss Yan wanted himself to leave again and that she wanted to be alone with Gu Ci. So he turned off the water gun and walked away with excitement in his eyes.

The water flow in Gu Ci’s hand was also stopped by him.

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“Why did you suddenly come to water the flowers?” Yan Luqing asked.

She watched Gu Ci turn his head towards her. The expression on his face looked as if he was waiting for her to ask this question, and he said calmly: “I think you will come here.”

“……??” Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment, “What?”

She wanted to pick some flowers for him. Especially since that day when Gu Ci became her best friend, she already decided to weave many garlands for him——But she didn’t say it out! How does he know?

Yan Luqing wanted to ask him again: Is it you who have the mind reading skill or me who have mind reading skill?

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Gu Ci ignored her question and walked to the place where Yan Luqing made the flower garland. Then he grabbed one with branches and leaves, and handed it to Yan Luqing.

She took it in a daze and found that the flower branch and the petals on it had tiny water droplets.

Gu Ci today…it seems a little different. Especially when he looked at her, it was very… Yan Luqing hadn’t come up with the reason why when an indistinct chuckle came to her ears.

Gu Ci suddenly chuckled: “Best friend, I don’t want garlands anymore.”

The way he chuckled looks very good, adding a bit of charm to the beautiful background of the garden.

The head of the family looked up and looked at the princess wife whom she nicknamed every day and her brain immediately crashed.

Gu Ci walked up to her, lowered his head slightly and said: “If you want to give it so much, don’t pick the flowers, just pick a star for me.”

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