With a clicking sound, the pictures were sent to everyone. Seeing that everyone began to post it to their circle of friends, Yan Luqing couldn’t help but post one too.

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After finishing the activity of posting to their circle of friends collectively, Wine Bottle clapped his hands and said: “Everyone has worked hard. Let’s go have a big dinner tonight, at public expense—There shouldn’t be anyone who doesn’t want to go, right?”

The crowd answered one after another. Little Tiger Tooth leaned beside Yan Luqing and asked: “Are you going, Junior Sister?”

“She is going!” After Little Twisted Braids finished speaking, she suddenly thought of the person in Yan Luqing’s house again, and the affirmation turned into a question, “You will… go, right?”


Gu Ci’s face suddenly flashed across Yan Luqing’s mind.

As well as the string of words he said last night that looked very much like the words of a wife who was left alone in an empty house.

But within a few seconds, what she had learned from Little Black in the morning flashed before her eyes, and she was almost drowned by a burst of embarrassment to the point that her scalp felt tingling.

Yan Luqing immediately felt that the wife who was left alone in an empty house could be left alone for a few more days, and immediately nodded and said: “Okay, I will go!”

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At the same time, her mobile phone vibrated.

Gu Ci woke up at four o’clock and slept again, and when he woke up again, it was already half past six in the evening.

This is the period when the sky gets dark early, and the night has fallen.

It sounds very quiet outside, so there’s a good chance someone hasn’t come back yet.

He turned on the light, opened the curtains and looked at his mobile phone.

Coincidentally, the little red dot in the circle of friends in the upper right corner shows Yan Luqing’s profile picture.

He clicked it and saw the text and pictures she posted.

[I, am a folk artist. /cool]

There are two pictures. One is a wall of more than ten meters long. What’s on the wall is a fresh landscape painting dominated by blue and green color.

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The second is a group photo of more than a dozen people. Yan Luqing stood in the middle, with a little blue paint on her face. Her eyes were bent into a crooked smile, and her grin revealed small and exquisite spotless white teeth. That kind of happiness seemed able to be transmitted into people’s hearts through the screen.

Gu Ci looked at it for a while and then returned to the first picture.

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He looked at it from the first side, but he couldn’t tell any obvious difference only from the painting, until he found the small group of white flowers in the last painting.

Due to the quality of the picture, the details are not very clear, but it is very obvious——The only place in the whole painting that he is sure it is her handwriting.

Gu Ci closes the picture and finds the dialog box with Yan Luqing.

[word]: What time do you go home?

The other party replied in seconds.

[Fleeing Goddess]: I’m playing!

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Five seconds later.

[Fleeing Goddess]: I’m not going back. I have too many thoughts.

Gu Ci: “…”

[word]: ?

She didn’t reply to the question mark.

Gu Ci pushed open the door of the room and walked out, and found that Little Black was humming something in the living room. At the same time, there was a song that sounded quite old-fashioned in the living room.

Gu Ci tried to identify the lyrics for a while.

「It’s me who is willing to endure / such a winning or losing result / still have no regrets

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Looking forward to your appearance/ It’s already dusk…」

“…” He looked at Little Black, “What are you listening to?”

“Ah?” Little Black was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was asking himself, so he quickly replied, “It’s a song I like very much, it’s called—”

The name was a little shameful, so Little Black scratched his head with some embarrassment: “Called [Falling in Love with Someone Who Doesn’t Come Home].”

As soon as the voice fell, the song also reached the climax:

「Falling in Love with Someone Who Doesn’t Come Home

Waiting for a door that doesn’t open…」


Little Black suddenly saw Gu Ci smile. The smile was very good-looking. Then, he commented in a gentle voice: “It’s really unpleasant to hear.”

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