Yan Luqing had a really great meal.

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She originally wanted to apply for art. Listening to them say that many interesting things in class really boost her mood. All kinds of stalks that art students only understand emerge in an endless stream one after another. When Senior Wine Bottle and Senior Little Tiger Tooth saw that she was so interested in it, they both sang together as if they were in a cross talk, “When we introduce ourselves, we never say anything about us being art students.”

Yan Luqing: “What did you say then?”

Wine Bottle: “We are poor painters.”

Everyone laughed, and then Little Tiger Tooth said, “Junior Sister, do you know what we poor painters hate to hear the most?”

Yan Luqing was curious: “What?”

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Little Tiger Tooth: “We hate it the most when people ask, ‘It’s easy for you art students to get into college, right?’. “

Another burst of laughter echoed again.

The whole meal was full of laughter and cheers. Among them, only the Senior Sister who inexplicably rolled her eyes at Yan Luqing had a bad sentiment again towards her during the meal time, and added a lot of red values to her.

Maybe because this Senior Sister was too angry so she left early, saying she had something to do before halfway through the meal and left the table. Little Twisted Braids was so happy, and Yan Luqing felt that it was a pity that the red couldn’t be raised anymore.

After Makabaka reported the red, he said to her: “Maria, the task of helping others has been successfully completed, and the reward has been released. It’s loading and installing~”

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Yan Luqing said she got it. Then she remembered that her two hours skill has not been used today, so she turned on the special effects of the dialog box, wanting to see the psychological activities of the people to make it more interesting.

Then she saw dialog boxes popped up above the heads of the people in front of her.

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The special effects for Miracle Cici last time were black swan and white swan, and the last one ended at white swan.

This special effect has a swan crown, swan wings, and a beautiful white halo, which is particularly beautiful and harmonious in Gu Ci, a proper swan princess.

Unexpectedly in this dining table full of people, no one can fit into it.

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——Yan Luqing looked at everyone, but couldn’t see any shadow of the Swan Princess, and the special effects made the skin extremely dark, making them look like a group of hair-loss black geese who failed to pretend to be swans, but they were ugly and cute.

So she silently condemned her behavior of touting one and belittling others, apologized to everyone in her heart, removed the skin and changed it back to the original dialog box.

Little Twisted Braids is sitting on the left side of Yan Luqing, and on the right is another good looking Senior Sister. When she was eating, she occasionally glazed at her mobile phone, then the Senior Sister glanced at her mobile phone screen saver and exclaimed in surprise: “Wow… Junior Sister, the person on your screensaver is so good-looking!”

Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment and followed her line of sight only to see the picture of the princess wearing a flower crown taken by her personally.

This picture is probably the existence that will make people feel so shiny at any time.

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Just like Gu Ci himself.

Yan Luqing smiled: “Of course it’s good-looking.”

Yan Luqing always felt that it was good to get used to the screensaver. After she set it up, she rarely remembered to change it.

She usually only changes the default wallpaper and screensaver on the day she buys a new mobile phone. It’s not because of a unique emotion or the likes, but because she can’t remember at all.

But now that it was mentioned, she realized that she had been using Gu Ci’s picture as a screensaver for some time already.

At first, it was because he didn’t let her show the picture to others, but at that time, she especially wanted everyone to see the picture of Princess Ci wearing a flower crown. She wanted to see how Gu Ci reacted after he knew someone had seen the picture, so she had an idea and changed it to the wallpaper in her mobile phone.

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