Of course, she also paid the price for her move and did the questions all night.

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And because of this punishment, she doesn’t want to change the wallpaper all the more. Otherwise, wouldn’t the question be done in vain?

Later, this wallpaper even caused a misunderstanding with You Jing the little green tea, but this misunderstanding saved her life by accident——If it wasn’t for this wallpaper, Gu Ci might be pursued by You Jing and she would have to be punished for changing the story line again.

Then after some time, because she got used to it, she never thought about changing it, and there was also no more suitable one.

The Senior Sister is still asking: “Who is this celebrity? Why don’t I seem to have seen him before…”

“He is no a celebrity, but——”

Halfway through Yan Luqing’s words, Little Twisted Braids also noticed the two of them whispering to each other, so she leaned over and asked: “What are you two talking about?”

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Then she also saw the screen saver the two were talking about, and her eyes widened in an instant.

“F*ck!” Little Twisted Braids exclaimed in a low voice, “Isn’t this the handsome man who lives with you? Your wallpaper is actually a picture of him? I didn’t even notice your wallpaper at that time!”

The Senior Sister also burst into foul language: “Damn, live together? This is your boyfriend?”

Yan Luqing: “……” Here it comes again, here it comes again, here it comes again.

Yan Luqing had to explain it to the Senior Sister again: “That’s not it, Senior Sister. He is my friend, and he just lives in my house temporarily. This wallpaper is actually…” She paused for a while and told the truth, “It seems that I set it to annoy him because he didn’t like to wear this flower crown at that time…”

Little Twisted Braids made a ‘tsk’ sound and complemented several times before she was called by the people around her to chat. The Senior Sister sighed with Yan Luqing again: “I see. If he is really your boyfriend, then you two are the most beautiful couple I have ever seen.” After a pause, she asked, “You said that the two of you live together temporarily, so did you rent a house together?”

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“That’s not it either…” Yan Luqing wanted to deny it, but felt that she couldn’t explain anything else without telling others that this was the case. So she simply admitted, “It can be said so. Anyway, he will have to move out in less than ten days.”

Speaking of moving away, she inexplicably felt a sense of loss when she thought that in the future, she will never see Gu Ci again when she returns to the villa.

But before Yan Luqing could think deeply, the Senior Sister said again: “Last time a classmate showed me a picture, saying that it was the so-called ‘Fairy Man’ that many people said. Sh*t, now that I think about it, what is that! I really want to show them your screensaver! Oh——” She lowered her voice as if she suddenly remembered something, “This photo is not P[1], right? “

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Yan Luqing: “Of course not!”

Our Princess Ci obviously looks better in person!

“And it’s not a Fairy Man.” Yan Luqing smiled mysteriously, correcting her: “It’s a princess!”

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“Hahaha, what strange name is this…”

After they talked and laughed, they talked about other topics with others.

But Yan Luqing was not as devoted as she had been at the beginning, because she was a little distracted.

About the screensaver wallpaper… It seems that people in general will either use background pictures of various styles, and the wallpaper with figures will use the 2D character, or even use the pictures of their idols.

And using a friend’s picture as wallpaper… This behavior is indeed easy to be misunderstood.

Then, how about changing it?

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It seems that she still doesn’t want to change it.

But Yan Luqing soon thought of a reason for herself——

Of course she doesn’t want to change it because it’s so beautiful!

She can’t find a better looking beauty. Isn’t it a matter of course that she doesn’t want to change it?

For Yan Luqing, the only regret of this dinner was that the people with art skill present were not able to drink very much, so they all shouted to order just one bottle to be shared for all the people present.

In the end, there were so many people at the table but only one bottle of beer was opened. Yan Luqing drank a whole glass of beer but she doesn’t know whether this brand of beer was mixed with water or whether she has a higher tolerance to alcohol now. Except for the slightly higher temperature on her face, she didn’t seems to be drunk even the slightest.

[1] P: Photoshopped, edited.

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