Yan Luqing comforted it again: “Okay, okay, okay. I won’t blame it on you.”

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While comforting, she opened WeChat and found the Yan family who had been blocked by her. Sure enough, she saw the message they had sent not long ago. The content was nothing but for her to attend a banquet.

She answered a few words and locked her mobile phone again.

Day by day, in addition to living in her villa, it’s attending banquets, then being the head of the house and supporting a wife. The most tiring thing is to go to school and learn the major she is not good at.

There is no need for her to go around outside and slap other people’s faces, because the original owner is a well-known lunatic in the circle.

She doesn’t need to find any way to survive, because the original owner is a hidden lunatic in the circle, and others are afraid that she will harm their lives instead.

Her little daily life went like a female supporting character that is not so malicious anymore…

With this in mind, Yan Luqing called the artificial mental retardation again and counted these things with her fingers: “Hey, don’t you think my life is too nourishing?”

“In fact, it’s not too nourishing either… The supporting role is only fixed within a certain range, but several important events must happen in a fixed place. Maria is just in the nourishing place now, but in the future, when the original owner is imprisoned——”

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Makabaka: “Maria has to stay in prison too.”

Yan Luqing: “…” Shit! Unexpected tears from behind the bars! ! !

However, she was only startled for a moment before she relaxed again. Makabaka also announced in her mind that there are still more than two thousand days to go. So she doesn’t have to be too panicked.

There are still several years before the plot line develops, so let’s talk about how to live the current life better first.


She already has a good relationship with Gu Ci. She should be able to find a way to escape the disaster at that time, right?

Thinking of this, Yan Luqing recalled the WeChat she had not replied to this morning, and opened the chat interface with Gu Ci.

-How could I know.

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-I haven’t tried it.

Yan Luqing stared at these two sentences and pondered for a while, and finally decided to type——

[Fleeing Goddess]: Well, I wish you a try as soon as possible.

Added the emoji with clasped hands.

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Gu Ci is supposed to be in class, but he replied with two punctuation marks in seconds.

[Fleeing Princess]: …

[Fleeing Princess]: ?

It was exactly the same as the bubbles popping out of his head.

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Yan Luqing really didn’t know how to reply to what he just said, so she changed the subject.

[Fleeing Goddess]: Why are you playing with your mobile phone in class?

[Fleeing Princess]: Why did you ask me this question on mobile phone?

Yan Luqing: “…” He fed her bamboo shoots again.

She thought of the obligatory task that Makabaka said just now, and after thinking about it, she still sent him an invitation.

[Fleeing Goddess]: I was asked to attend a banquet by someone on WeChat just now… Do you want to go?

Who knows what will happen there.

Big Black and Little Black can’t give her enough sense of security now. Only Gu Ci can do it. Without him, she would be submissive. She would only dare to strike hard when he was by her side.

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[Fleeing Princess]: If this is a question, then I won’t go.

Yan Luqing: ?

What’s the meaning of this? He won’t go if it is a question, so does she have to say it is an order?

She changed her sitting position to play with her mobile phone, and said in her heart that he is really hard to serve.

In order to make sure nothing goes wrong, Yan Luqing decided to send a voice message instead. She arched her waist until she was somewhat hidden by the table and whispered to her mobile phone: “What if I am asking you to go?”

This time Gu Ci was silent for a long time.

She didn’t know whether he was speechless because she sent him a voice message, or he was looking for a suitable place to listen to this sentence.

About half a minute later, Yan Luqing also received a voice message.

She arched her waist again to listen to it, but what she heard was Gu Ci’s much more natural voice than her own.

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