There’s no feeling of hiding and sneaking like her, and there is even a little bit of his usual smile in it. Although the tone is filtered by the current, it is not suppressed down and even feels quite magnetic.

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He said: “Then, I can consider it.”

Little Twisted Braids went to sleep after posting in the thread. Unexpectedly, when she woke up, she saw a beautiful woman next to her doing something very indecent. She bent over like a thief, with her head facing her waist while holding a mobile phone beside her face, not knowing what she was doing.

“Why are you sneaking like that——” She reached out and patted Yan Luqing’s head, but the moment she saw the person straightened up and raised her face, her voice got stuck again.

“… Why is your face so red?” Little Twisted Braids was stunned for a moment. Connecting her reaction with her action before, she immediately asked in a whispering voice, “You won’t be watching porn in class, right?”

“Who is watching porn!” Yan Luqing glared at her. “I want to listen to a voice message, but I can’t do it in front of the teacher.”

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Little Twisted Braids suddenly had a realization, and leaned closer to Yan Luqing with a wink: “Are you listening to Gu Ci’s voice message? No wonder your face is so red.”

Yan Luqing explained with a usual expression on her face: “I just bent down and the position of my head was too low, so the blood circulation was not good and that’s why my face was red. This is a natural phenomenon.”

“So your blood circulation is not good.” She commented. “It seems that your voice message is quite long too.”

Yan Luqing: “….”

It’s actually not that long.

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It’s just that, because it sounds so good, she listened to it several times.

The morning class finally ended. When Yan Luqing and Little Twist Braids were having lunch, two senior students from the art club who they had just met suddenly sat down next to their table.

Yan Luqing thought that, since it could be said that she knew the two people, she greeted them skillfully. Little Twisted Braids took the lead and asked: “What can we do for you, Seniors?”

“I just knew at first glance that you didn’t see the club’s group announcement!” Wine Bottle sighed and pushed his glasses, which were as thick as the bottom of a wine bottle, and pointed to Little Tiger Tooth next to him, “It’s Song Jun’s birthday today. He invited us to dinner in the evening, and the address was already posted in the group. You two must do him the favor and come over too, okay?”

The two were stunned for a moment. After they reacted, they said happy birthday to Little Tiger Tooth in unison.

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As for tonight’s dinner, Little Twisted Braids has readily nodded and agreed.

Yan Luqing actually didn’t plan to roam outside. After all, Gu Ci is leaving soon. Seeing the days where she can meet him are decreasing, if she can eat at home, she will definitely not eat outside.

So she actually wanted to decline, but before that, Little Tiger Tooth said first: “Junior Sister, come with us.”

His eyes were wide open. He looked very lovely and sincere. He even seemed to be looking forward to her going together with them.

After all, this is his birthday, and birthdays only come once a year. So her refusing words suddenly gets stuck.

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Taking advantage of her hesitation, Little Twisted Braids also added: “It’s a free dinner. If you don’t eat it, it will be wasted in vain, baby!”

Wine Bottle: “This kid, he is old and rich already. You two don’t need to bring gifts. After all, you are a junior sister. It’s fine if you just bring your mouth.”

In this atmosphere, coupled with the fact that someone had a birthday, Yan Luqing felt relieved. She first asked the several people present: “Then, let me know first whether you guys drink or not? It’s really boring if you all don’t drink at all.”

“You really don’t look like an alcoholic…” Several of them said, “Okay, okay, okay. Then we will drink a little bit, only drink a little bit.”

Yan Luqing and Little Twisted Braids are sitting face to face. Wine Bottle is next to Little Twisted Braids and Little Tiger Tooth is next to her. At the end of the lunch, Little Twisted Braids seems to have a better relationship with Wine Bottle. In addition, the two sit close to each other and for an unknown reason, they start bickering so much that others can’t even get in if they want to.

Yan Luqing was watching the excitement and smiled. Suddenly, Little Tiger Tooth’s voice came from the side: “Junior Sister, you have something on your lips.”

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