“Huh?” Yan Luqing turned her head and asked tentatively, “Where is it?”

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“Let me help you.” Little Tiger Tooth took a tissue and reached over. His movements are so natural and seemed as if he wanted to help her wipe it off.

But at the moment when the tissue was about to touch her face, Yan Luqing, almost like a conditioned reflex, immediately staggered away from Little Tiger Tooth’s hand and avoided it.

She also took a tissue from the table, then wiped her mouth from left to right before finally looking up at him: “Is it gone now, Senior?”

The other party was obviously stunned.

Then he nodded: “Yeah, it’s gone.”

After finishing the meal in the canteen, Yan Luqing came out of the canteen and walked back to the classroom by herself.

If she is not going back at night, at least she has to tell Gu Ci.

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Because she was not in class and was too lazy to type, Yan Luqing called Gu Ci directly. He probably was also on his lunch break, so he answered quickly.

Yan Luqing’s first words were: “I’m going out to eat at night.”


After the words were spoken, both of them went silent at the same time.

She doesn’t know why there’s no movement on Gu Ci’s side, but after Yan Luqing blurted out these words, a strange scene began to appear in her mind——The socializing head of the family told the wife about not going home tonight.

After a moment of silence at the other end, Gu Ci’s voice came: “Are you calling me to inform me of this?”

His voice is just as good as the one she secretly listened to in class just now. She is used to them talking face to face at ordinary times, so when they communicate in another way, which is listening to his voice from the phone like now, it turns out that his voice could be so attractive.

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“No.” Yan Luqing thought for a while, “I am just telling you, so that you can tell the driver to directly take you home after your classes are over.”

Gu Ci didn’t reply, as if he had acquiesced, but after a pause, he asked again: “Who are you going out with?”

“With the members of the art club. You met them yesterday.” Yan Luqing said, “There is a Senior who is celebrating a birthday today.”

After subconsciously answering this sentence, Yan Luqing gave birth to the illusion that the owner of the family called the wife to say that she would not go back at night, and then was inspected by the wife.

Gu Ci slowly said “Oh” and then “Which one?”

“….” And now it has become all the more like inspection.

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Yan Luqing braced herself and replied: “… You don’t remember the exact person, right? The one with the tiger tooth is the one who celebrated his birthday. The tiger tooth is very obvious. He should have had a face-to-face meeting with you yesterday.”

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“You’re going to celebrate his birthday?” He asked, “Are you two on very good terms?”

Although these two sentences are questions, Gu Ci’s tone is very plain, as plain as boiled water.

“It can’t be said that we are on good terms either, because I had just met him not long ago. But just now, I was having a meal with Little Twisted Braids in the canteen, and then he and another Senior invited me and Little Twisted Braids to go. He said that everyone in the art club would go there, and I thought it was a birthday after all, so I agreed…”

The more she said it, the lower her voice was. The more she said it, the more awkward she became. Her head was full of doubts: Why on earth, did she have to explain so many causes and consequences to Gu Ci?!

And when Gu Ci heard the words, he just hummed lightly. No emotions could be heard in it.

After that, he stopped talking.

Yan Luqing couldn’t explain the reason, but she just felt that the current atmosphere seemed a little subtle.

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Even though this is not a face-to-face talk, but on the phone.

After a long silence, she said tentatively: “Then I will… hang up first?”


After he answered, the two were still on the phone.

Yan Luqing listened to the sound at the other end of the phone. His breathing sound was sometimes clear and sometimes weak. She didn’t know why but her ears turned hot and her heart beat faster instead. After thinking about it, she feels that it’s better if she is the one who cut off the call herself.

What the hell is she doing…

After she hung up, she stared blankly at the interface of her mobile phone for a while and felt sleepy after some time. Then, she found the most comfortable position on the table to lay on and went to sleep as usual.

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