In Yan Luqing’s view, most of the time Gu Ci gives people the feeling of two attributes overlapping with each other, which is cold but gentle. Although that kind of gentleness is subtle, it has a strong sense of existence. He did not deliberately show it, but it can be remembered for a long time.

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For example, when taking care of a patient, his sarcasm is in full swing, but he leave none of the steps that should be done.

For example, taking her to the fried chicken restaurant to eat stewed chicken. Although he said it in a weird way that it was to make her feel the atmosphere, it did satisfy her desire to eat fried chicken to a certain extent.

After that, the two of them went to see a movie. He went out to buy popcorn and handed it to her without saying a word. Even when she was in doubt, he laughed and mocked her for emptying the snack plate just now.


Every time she felt like she didn’t know how to thank him, he had a way to make her forget about it and the two ended the conversation by bickering or joking.

A gentleness that is very ‘silent and soft that it even moistens everything’.

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And Gu Ci’s usual practice of being quite ‘accustomed’ to her, maybe it’s because he is too lazy to care about it, or maybe it’s because of something else.

Yan Luqing really didn’t expect that he would suddenly become so…a man of his word.

But when she thinks about it again, those are just trivial things.

What Gu Ci really wants to control will be done according to his will in the end, just like now.

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But still in a very gentle way.

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Before walking out of the room, Yan Luqing’s body was stiff and her mind was blank under the watchful eyes of everyone.

After walking out of the room, without the gazes from those people, Yan Luqing suddenly relaxed. Her whole body softened a lot. She also lifted her hands and hooked Gu Ci’s neck, leaned her face on his shoulder very naturally, and sighed comfortably.


From this angle, Gu Ci could only see the tip of her nose that was upturned, looking small and cute, turned slightly red.

The feeling of being held by someone is indeed comfortable, especially when the other party walks so steadily. Yan Luqing was so comfortable that she almost fell asleep.

She unconsciously closed her eyes and in a daze, she heard Gu Ci chuckled again, and his voice fell faintly.

“It’s really skilled now.”

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What he talked about is her inertial movements after being picked up.

She also can’t tell whether it’s sarcasm or just a comment.

“What… Oh,” Yan Luqing soon realized what he was referring to, and she also laughed, “How can I not? Who let you hug me too many times? Haven’t you heard of the saying ‘strangers at first meeting but friends at the second’? Even if I am not used to this kind of way, I have to get used to it slowly too.”

Gu Ci heard the meaning in her words and asked casually: “Have you never been hugged before?”

“Of course I’ve never been hugged like this!” Yan Luqing recalled, “It’s only when I was still a child that I had ever been hugged like how a child should be hugged.”

And this princess-style hug is definitely her first time.

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In the past, after graduating from high school, she frequently participated in classmate dinner parties. She had never been drunk to this state and it was always her who dragged her best friends home, or watched her best friend that had got out of her single status being carried away by the boyfriend.

Who could have imagined that she would also get into such a situation today?

However, it is also a great honor to be hugged by the princess in a princess-style for several times.

“The first time, it seems that it was at the Butterfly Mountain…”

Yan Luqing vaguely remembered that the first time he hugged her like this, it seemed to be on the last night they were at the Butterfly Mountain, when their classmates gathered together for a drink.

Some things will be forgotten when she is too drunk. Just like that time, she only relied on her memory afterwards to remember the process, and the details are still a bit fragmented.

She said with great emotion, “I had just realized now that unknowingly, it has been many days since we came back from there.”

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