Gu Ci didn’t speak.

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Yan Luqing didn’t care either. She didn’t expect him to answer every sentence, and just continued to say to herself: “It seems that there have been a lot of things during this period… It sounded like a fantasy at first, such as letting me pass the exam with half the score. I didn’t expect that I actually passed the exam, and I am still eating and drinking with these college friends.”

After a pause, her voice rose a lot again: “Thinking about it this way, how smooth and relaxed these days are!”

“Really?” Gu Ci took her out of the restaurant, and the evening wind was blowing beside them, as cool as his voice, “Then why do I feel so tired.”


Why did it suddenly become weird?

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Yan Luqing thought hard for a minute, and her chaotic brain finally remembered——The fact of the fantasy in which she could pass the test with half the score was actually because Gu Ci taught her.

Therefore, she added with a smile: “Then I will add another sentence. The reason why I can have a smooth and relaxed day these days is all thanks to the genius Teacher Gu!”

Gu Ci pulled the corners of his lips, and seemed to be too lazy to answer.

During the time Yan Luqing talked nonsense, Gu Ci had already carried her to the side of the car, and the driver helped them open the door.

The driver lowered his head slightly and didn’t seem to pay attention to their actions, but when he heard the girl’s noisy voice, the corners of his mouth curved unconsciously.

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When Gu Ci was ‘picked up’ to the villa, he was also the driver.

Having been Miss Yan’s driver for a long time, he had naturally seen this young man of the Gu family. At that time, nothing bad happened to the Gu family yet and Gu Ci was synonymous with the son of heaven. Unexpectedly, when his family fell, he was treated like this by Miss Yan…

At that time, he was very unhappy, but he had to pretend that he could not see it all——After all, pretending to be blind was a necessary skill if he wanted to stay under Miss Yan for a long time.

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So the driver never thought that after taking the person to the villa in such a forced way, Miss Yan suddenly seemed to become a different person. She smiled at everyone, and her whole person seemed to have a sudden vitality. The superficial appearance that looks like withered grass in the past had also been reborn with the vitality of young people in a short period of time.

She and Gu Ci get along so harmoniously in the villa. Up to now, the event where one is playing and drunk outside, and the other will pick her up, has happened more than once, and it can even be called an ‘intimate’ relationship already.

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Gu Ci bent down and Yan Luqing slid down from his arms very consciously. She put her hands on the leather seat, and moved her position inward.

Then she looked at Gu Ci who also sat in, closing the door, and then the driver also started the car.

“What about Big Black and Little Black?” Yan Luqing suddenly realized something seemed to be wrong. “Why is it that everytime you come to pick me up, the two of them aren’t coming?”

Gu Ci looked back lazily, “Did you call them here?”

“I——” Halfway through her speech, Yan Luqing got stuck, “… didn’t.”

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She only called her wife.

But that’s not right either. She blinked dryl and some of her senses returned, then she raised her voice to rebuke: “But, do I still need to personally call them for such a trivial thing so that they will come?! Do I still need to remind them to pick me up?!”


“Are they lazing around?” Gu Ci didn’t say anything, as if he was acquiescing to it. So Yan Luqing said more and more vigorously, “But the two of them are clearly the bodyguards, okay! You’re not even my bodyguard! The owner of the house is drunk but the two of them dare to laze around and stay at home instead!!!”

Can the owner’s wife be the same as the owner’s bodyguard? It’s the best if it’s the wife who has come but the bodyguard must come too!

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