“In fact, there is no specific date in the book, but since it is clearly stated that it is two months, the system calculates two months after the day Maria transmigrated over——November 17.” Makabaka said, “Generally, such big events will not go wrong, and didn’t Maria say that Gu Ci was in contact with his uncle recently? In the original book, he escaped from the villa with the help of his uncle. So there should be no problem with this date~”

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Yan Luqing then tells Big Black and Little Black again.

“In short, there are only three days left before Gu Ci’s birthday on the 12th. You go prepare it well with Aunt Disney. After that, he will leave around the 17th, so…” Yan Luqing paused, “Just treat it as a birthday and a farewell party together.”

Little Black was the first to lose his composure and looked shocked: “… Ah? Why is Gu Ci leaving?”

Big Black didn’t speak, but he also asked this with his gaze.

But Wolf on the side seemed to understand it, wagging its tail and making an ‘owu’ sound.

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Yan Luqing didn’t really want to talk about this topic, but these three brothers really made her speechless: “… Just use your brain to think about it. If he doesn’t leave, could it be that he will stay here all his life?!”

Little Black was puzzled: “What’s wrong with that? Everyone is very happy anyway.”

“…” Yan Luqing felt more and more that this son was so stupid: “You are indeed happy, but do you know how Gu Ci feels?”

Without waiting for Little Black to speak, Yan Luqing continued to educate him, “Moreover, he also has ideals and aspirations, and he is only living with us temporarily. How can you hold the idea of ​​living with him forever?!”

Little Black felt very aggrieved.

You guys are already in a relationship, why does he have to move away now?

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Seeing Little Black’s depressed and aggrieved expression, Yan Luqing also felt guilty for a while.

Forever living together with Princess Ci… She seems to, maybe, perhaps, have thought about it for a second. Such a person, not to mention his character, just by this appearance of his, living together with him can already satisfy one’s eyes to the fullest.

But Yan Luqing soon woke up.

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“In short, prepare for the birthday party first. I told Gu Ci that it would only be celebrated casually, so don’t let it slip.” She pointed to Little Black, “Others will not let it slip, only you! Got it?”

“Got it.” Little Black nodded, and his original depression was replaced by the thought about Gu Ci’s birthday. He thought for a while and asked, “Miss Yan, what style do you want us to celebrate it with?” He made a heart shape, “This style?”

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Yan Luqing was in a hurry to eat and go to the campus, so she didn’t see what he was making with his hand, and only waved her hand casually: “Anything is fine. Anyway, if you two can’t even do a birthday party well, you two can take the initiative to ask me for arsenic.”

After she finished speaking, she walked quickly to the dining room.

Leaving Big Black and Little Black looking at each other in dismay. Big Black then said: “Miss Yan speaks a bit like Gu Ci now…”

“Brother, you too.” Little Black said, “You have all been infected. Only I have not.”

“Don’t worry, you won’t be infected.” Big Black patted him on the shoulder. “You don’t have that much range in vocabulary.”

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“…….” What an on-the-spot demonstration.

Little Black pretended he didn’t hear it, and continued to discuss the previous topic with him: “Does Miss Yan mean the romantic style? Then, let’s refer to that kind of couple’s birthday party?”

Big Black hesitated: “Are you sure she understood what you meant just now?”

Little Black said: “Hey! It’s okay, Brother. They’ve been in a relationship for a long time already. It will definitely not be a problem.”

Yan Luqing rushed to the campus after lunch, and she arrived just before the first class in the afternoon started.

Because she was afraid that she would look too decadent after a hangover, Yan Luqing put on makeup in the car. However, after getting out of the car, on the way from the campus gate to the classroom, she found that there were groups of two or three girls glancing at her. Most of them do it quietly and with a very… very amiable smile on their faces?

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