Yan Luqing took out a small mirror and looked at her face there several times. There was nothing on her face and there was no problem with her makeup either.

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Why is it then?

Could it be that…her level of attractiveness for women has risen again?

That’s quite good!

Thinking so, Yan Luqing walked into the classroom happily. She found the seat in the back row and sat down, then saw Little Twisted Braids trot towards her from a group of several female classmates. Yan Luqing raised her hand and tugged at the other party’s braid as a greeting to her.

Then Yan Luqing couldn’t help sharing what she experienced all the way to the classroom: “Twisted Braids, I walked all the way just now, and there are many beautiful women looking at me! Do you think my makeup today attracts women?”

Little Twisted Braids pondered for a while: “They are looking at you… maybe not because of your makeup.”

“Huh?” Yan Luqing wondered, “Then what are they looking at me for?”

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“Today, I want to apologize to you.” Little Twisted Braids took out a branch from the compartment under her table, put it on her shoulder, and made a grief-stricken expression, “After you were taken away by the one in your family last night, I was really too excited. So I drank a few more glasses…”

Yan Luqing understood it all at once and said clearly: “… So you gave me publicity again.”

Little Twisted Braids nodded sadly.

“It’s all in this thread, I’ve already applied to be deleted, but it hasn’t been processed yet.” She gave Yan Luqing the post she had treasured for a few days, “Actually, I already shared this post with you on WeChat some time ago, but have you forgotten to read it all this time?”

Yan Luqing thought of the time when she seemed busy creating things and drawing bamboo shoots, she indeed didn’t pay much attention to other things.

“What’s wrong with this thread?”

Just at this time, the professor came in. Little Twisted Braids put the branch away and whispered: “You will know after you look at it.”


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Yan Luqing inhaled and then exhaled before she clicked the thread.

First, she was shocked by the title.

[Subject] #Reposted from the interview video posted by the Art Club’s Weibo. I don’t know who these two are, but I don’t care, I am the first supporter of them!!! #

Please support this translation by reading it on the translator’s original website to read the new chapter faster.

Then she saw the shameful interview on the main floor.

There’s no editing from start to finish, just some color adjustments.

The two of them were captured by the camera the whole time, but Yan Luqing was talking in the front, and Gu Ci was only acting as a decoration beside her.


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She found out.

That, Gu Ci seemed to be looking at her very often.

While she answers questions in front of the camera.

Although he did not speak, his eyes would sweep over her from time to time. Sometimes there’s a smile in his eyes, sometimes there is speechlessness, and sometimes there’s an expression that only appeared when he wanted to say something weird to her.

There was also a scene from a certain angle, where he looked at her side face with drooping eyes. His eyelashes cast a beautiful shadow, and the scene turned out to be… very focused and affectionate.

When Yan Luqing was interviewed, she concentrated on the questions that the wavy hair asked her. After the interview, she was also addicted to drawing and did not watch the video.

She didn’t expect herself and Gu Ci to be in such a state in the video.

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First she was surprised by the video, and when she looked down at the various comments that analyzed the relationship between the two of them, her ears became hotter and hotter.

The more she read, the more wrong she feels,

She simply skipped many floors in front of her and went directly to the place where the revelation was mentioned by Little Twisted Braids——


299th Floor [= =]: Where is the sister who broke the news? I’m so curious. What’s going on actually?

300th Floor [= =]: Damn, who isn’t? If I remember correctly, a sister seems to have mysteriously said that she ate fresh dog food in the morning, and then said again that she can’t tell us about it before she just ran away. She is just like the author of a certain Lujiang novel website, making me lose my appetite.


322nd Floor [= =]: By the way, I suddenly looked up at the title. This is a post derived from the interview video of the two people on the campus network. But it turned into a cp building. Hahahahaha LOL.

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