323rd Floor [= =]: I watched the video again and suddenly got some impression. I should have seen this beautiful sister in the canteen some time ago. The real person really looks so good.

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The said beautiful sister turned her head in surprise and said: “What happened in the morning? What fresh dog food?!”

“It’s that jelly…” Little Twisted Braids changed the topic immediately, “But I just said it casually! I really didn’t say anything about this! Just directly look at the 355th floor and you’ll know!”

Yan Luqing turned to the floor she mentioned again.


355th Floor [I turned stupid]: The morning matter was a private affair so I really can’t say anything about it. But the matter in the evening, it was different. A large group of us had dinner together (almost the entire group) and booked a very large private room. The most important thing is that the two of them didn’t hide it at all, so this matter will spread sooner or later! I drank a little bit of wine and got a little excited hahaha.

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Let me give you an example. It’s similar to your classmates’ gathering. A group of people eat together, and then A and B, who are already ambiguous, suddenly kiss in public!

That kind of effect.

356th Floor [= =]:???? Kiss in public? Really? Finish the story, please.

357th Floor [= =]: Scared me! I’m in the bathroom! Aaahhhhh I’m halfway through but it got stuck now. Damn, I am so uncomfortable wu wu wu [shit][shit][shit]

358th Floor [= =]:… Although, the sister upstairs is too miserable (but hahahahahahahaha let me laugh for a while)


365th Floor [I turned stupid]: No kissing in public! Hahahahahaha, I am just giving you an example, because I think the intensity is similar.

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They are doing princess carry… in public… does this count?

Many of the comments after that are either the excited ‘Ah’ or the excited ‘?’.


Yan Luqing widened her eyes and swiped down again, while Little Twisted Braids pointed from beside her: “I just posted that two paragraphs. At that time, I was too drunk so when I looked at my mobile phone, it was a bit blurry and my typing was so slow too. In the end, it was the 400th Floor, which I don’t know which Senior Sister, that sent it out.”

400th Floor [= =]: This really made me so anxious. Hey you, if you can’t tell the key points, just let me tell it then.

To sum up, it was the great beauty who came to pick up the drunken beautiful sister to go home, and it shocked us all. The most classic is the action dialogue between the two (if I heard it right).

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The sister said: “I feel that I can still walk.”

The expression of the great beauty, I also can’t tell whether it was cold and indifferent, or warm and gentle. In short, it’s very strange. He said: “Your perception is wrong.”

Then! He just! Hold her with princess carry style! Turn around! And walk away!!!!


Yan Luqing had just experienced all this last night, and looking at their descriptions, it was as if she had personally experienced it again.

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Her ears were all red, and her fingers slipped down a short paragraph unconsciously. Those words entered her eyes uncontrollably and then passed to her brain.

415th Floor [= =]: This is really too sweet for me. How can it be so? Why is the sister so cute and the great beauty can really stab people’s heart so much QAQ

416th Floor [= =]: What kind of immortal speech is that ‘your perception is wrong’? So domineering and so flirtatious. The most important thing is that it’s not oily at all. Why did it feel so refreshing instead?! Let me put on the face of that great beauty for a while. I f*cking fainted.

417th Floor [= =]: I beg those ‘smiling evilly and charmingly, oh woman, you’re playing with fire’ literature, can you come and learn what it means to flirt! Stop irritating my eyes! ! !

418th Floor [= =]: I feel that I can still walk. Your perception is wrong.

I should have studied, but now I am here instead, in a very addictive state for this cp.

419th Floor [= =]: It’s good that they hugged and went away. It’s really good. Mom wants you two to hold the other party in your arms and walk into the bridal chamber for a spring night. Got it?

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