It was not until Yan Luqing finished her breakfast and left the place that Little Black suddenly heard a low laugh coming from beside him.

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Turning his head, he saw that Gu Ci’s eyes were much more curved than before, and the corners of his lips were raised. His whole person seemed to be in a very good mood.

Obviously, he was not like this when Miss Yan was still here just now.

Little Black was still wondering, but Gu Ci suddenly looked at him.

“Do you want to know very much?”

Little Black was stunned for a moment, and then nodded quickly: “Yeah! Of course!”

“Since the head of the family won’t let me say it, I certainly can’t tell you the specifics…”

“However——” Gu Ci held his right face with one hand and pointed his finger at a certain part of his face, as if he was recollecting the pleasant flavor of something and said to him, “It’s really a good gift.”

Little Black: “……”

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He barely maintained the quality that a bodyguard should have, and went out of the dining room with a blank expression.

But after going out, he could not help clenching his fist——

One of them already said that it can’t be told, but the other is still trying to whet the appetite!

Both the husband and wife are really a perfect match!!!

The time that Yan Luqing woke up was not that late and she also didn’t have to go to school on Sunday——which meant that she had to spend the whole day with Gu Ci.

Although when they were having breakfast, she already prepared a reason that she doesn’t remember anything at all, but…

No matter where she went, no matter what Gu Ci said or did, as long as Yan Luqing saw him, three big characters will automatically pop up in his mind——

“I kissed him!”

Even the exclamation mark is capitalized and bolded.

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Then there will be a series of chain reactions in her body, such as hot ears, tingling in the scalp, rapid heartbeat, mental disorder, and so on.

During lunch, Gu Ci talked to her.

Yan Luqing tried her best not to look him in the face, even if it was just a glance from the corner of the eye, she tried not to sweep it over him. But after the meal, Gu Ci found her and asked: “Do you mind if I take a nap in the attic?”

Yan Luqing suddenly suffered from the syndrome again.

She said she didn’t mind, but after Gu Ci left, she was staring at the TV screen on the sofa and often lost herself in thought.

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He went up for a nap?

Wouldn’t that mean he would be sleeping on that beanbag sofa?

That was the place where she had lied many times before aaahhhhh!

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She didn’t know how long she stayed in this state, and only until Gu Ci, who took a nap, went downstairs and walked directly to the sofa and sat beside her did she regain her senses.

Yan Luqing was instantly vigilant, as if she had entered the first-level alert, as if the infrared ray had detected a dangerous person and all the fine hair in her body stood up.

She originally wanted to say “Did you sleep well?” in a natural way, but her mobile phone on the side suddenly vibrated.

She picked it up and unlocked it.

[Little Twisted Braids]: I almost forgot to ask! Wasn’t yesterday your big beauty’s birthday? How is the party? How is it after you gave the gift? /SlySmile


What a timely rain!

Yan Luqing suddenly had an idea and hurriedly typed a reply to her.

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[Fleeing Goddess]: Call me and talk with me.

[Little Twisted Braids]: ?

[little fried dough twist]: Pretty good, dear. Taking the initiative to request a call, it seems that it is a great progress!

Little Twisted Braids immediately dialed a voice call.

“Hey, Babe, do you have something big to tell me?”

But Yan Luqing was afraid that Gu Ci would hear the voice in the receiver so she got up from the sofa on the third second after the phone was connected.

Little Twisted Braids’s voice was cheerful as she said: “Hey, hurry up. I can’t wait any longer!”

“What?!” Yan Luqing covered her mouth with one hand, took a breath, and was so surprised that she almost broke her voice, “You have a car accident???”


Little Twisted Braids: “… Huhh???”

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