She was confused: “What are you talking about? I asked you how your weekend was. Isn’t that the birthday of the one in your family?”

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“Is it that serious?” Yan Luqing didn’t even look at Gu Ci and fled the sofa quickly, then walked up the stairs with hurried steps, “I’ll change my clothes right away. I’ll be there soon!”

Little Twisted Braids: “……???”

Yan Luqing went upstairs to change clothes and went out directly after that. Before leaving, she explained to Gu Ci briefly.

He didn’t raise any questions, but just looked at her calmly. Finally, he said softly, “I wish her a speedy recovery.”

Yan Luqing asked Little Twisted Braids to come out of the dormitory and go to a beverage shop not far from the school.

In the car, she explained the cause and effect. After meeting her, she explained some details again. After listening to it, Little Twisted Braids could hardly believe her own ears.

Yan Luqing looked at her big surprised eyes and felt a headache: “…Swear that you won’t tell others.”

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“I will surely not!” Little Twisted Braids raised her hand over her head. “Although I knew a little about the things that happened between you two in public, and also things that didn’t happen, but I didn’t tell anyone even the least of it!”

When Yan Luqing thought about it again, it seemed that it was indeed the case. What she said to Little Twisted Braids on the first day of school about Gu Ci and herself, Little Twisted Braids never mentioned it to anyone else.

She then put her heart down and happily complained: “I was really embarrassed to death when I woke up… Why did I do such a thing? Huh?”

Concubine Braids has been feeling that it’s so sweet and when she finally finished feeling it, she also began to comment on Yan Luqing’s behavior.

“Actually, I always feel that, in a sense, you are quite good after you are drunk.” Little Twisted Braids euphemistically said, “The sober you in reality… is really a bit too straight.”

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Yan Luqing was very puzzled. “Straight? You mean the straight man’s straight?”

“Yeah.” After nodding, Little Twisted Braids saw that she has an unconvinced look and gave her an example. “For example, do you know the words ‘convey one’s love by stealing a look’? Even straight men don’t know that you are ‘conveying your love by stealing a look’ at all. They will even think that your eyes are broken.”

Yan Luqing: “That has nothing to do with me. I’m still very keen on this aspect.”

Little Twisted Braids: “What aspect?”

Yan Luqing: “Of course it’s the feeling aspect.”

Little Twisted Braids was made speechless by her.

To be able to be keen on feeling, the first thing is to realize that someone likes you… Obviously, this is what you lack!

“Let me ask you in this way.” Little Twisted Braids said, “Babe, do you think Senior Little Tiger Tooth likes you?”

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Yan Luqing’s head was full of question marks. “Of course he doesn’t like me. Why do you wrong our Senior? Don’t talk nonsense and delay them in finding a girlfriend.”


It was so obvious but she didn’t even notice it.

Sure enough, as keen as you.

Little Twisted Braids then asked again: “Then how do you usually know that other men like you?”

Yan Luqing felt that the other party had asked an idiot question, and still has question marks on her face: “Of course it’s because they confessed to me?”

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Little Twisted Braids : “…”

Good heavens! You are even straighter than the prime meridian!

She took a sip of milk tea, shook her head and sighed.

Alas, Great beauty that is in love, just worker harder then.


After staying with Little Twisted Braids until sunset, Yan Luqing calmed down a lot. She felt that she had returned to the stage where she could get along with Gu Ci normally, so she got into the car and returned home.

When she got home, the lights in the living room were not turned on, and the surroundings were a little dim.

When Yan Luqing was changing her shoes, there was no one in front of her. After she looked down and finished changing her shoes, she just looked up and saw Gu Ci, who already appeared here at some time unknown.

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