The great beauty, who had been discussed by her and Little Twisted Braids all afternoon, was half leaning against the wall and looking at her with a faint smile right now.

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She thought that she had spent the afternoon relaxing, and she could really treat him with a normal mind again.

Yan Luqing found that in the end, she is still unable to do it.

…Is it really just because of embarrassment?

But if it’s not embarrassment, what else can it be?

“Ah…” Yan Luqing suddenly raised her hand, yawned in a way that she thought was quite realistic, and patted her own lips while saying, “Although my classmate was in a car accident, she was lucky enough that she didn’t get hit in the critical part. But it’s really tiring to take care of people. I am so sleepy, so sleepy…”

If she can’t figure it out clearly, she doesn’t want to figure it out anymore. It’s time-consuming and brain-consuming. Anyway, time will heal everything, so it will be fine if she just avoid it for the time being.

Thinking so, Yan Luqing walked inside while talking.

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Yan Luqing was about to pass Gu Ci, and when she really passed by him, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Who knew that before she could completely finish breathing out her sigh of relief, she felt her wrist suddenly tightened——

Gu Ci’s drooping hand held her wrist through the clothes, and his voice also fell in her ears: “Come here.”

Then Yan Luqing was moved to the side by him, and the two returned to the position where she stood just now.

The distance suddenly narrowed and when the breaths of the two of them intertwined for a moment, Gu Ci raised his eyebrows very slightly.

His tone was somewhat absurd: “You go to the hospital… and even drink alcohol?”

“…Ah?” Yan Luqing was stunned for a moment, “No, no, I just… drank a can of drink, maybe there was a little alcohol in it.”

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Gu Ci chuckled: “Oh, you said it was very tiring to take care of people, but you even have the time to drink alcoholic beverages there.”

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This conversation is very similar to that of the head of the family who lies and goes out every day. Once she gets home, she is denounced and punished by the wife.

And because the distance is so close, these words seemed to be said in the ear of the head of the family.

Yan Luqing suddenly felt a burst of warmth rising from her ears, and her head was like a pot of porridge simmering. Suddenly, she thought of the kiss when she was half-awake and half-dreaming last night.

Oh shit.

She indeed kissed, and even kissed the face of a great beauty!!

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This social death is really a loss. Why didn’t she choose a better place to kiss? She thought confusedly and reminded herself to remember that next time, if she wants to do it, make a big one.

Before she had any other thoughts, Gu Ci’s next actions left her mind almost blank.

Behind Yan Luqing is the entrance’s cabinet.

He let go of her wrists, but raised his hands, propping each one on the edge of the cabinet——on both sides of her body.

It seems to encircle her in this small world.

There is no physical contact.

But it makes one’s heart palpitate even more than a hug.

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He supported the cabinet, and when he pressed it slightly, Yan Luqing unconsciously leaned against the cabinet behind her, opened her eyes wide and raised her head slightly, while looking at this face that was close at hand.

Most of Gu Ci’s usual expressions and temperament are relatively plain, sometimes warm and light, sometimes cold and clear. However, his appearance has a strong aesthetic feeling that transcends gender. The combination of the two is not abrupt, but makes his every move quite attractive.

“I have a question I want to ask you.” After a pause, he suddenly called her with a bit of a smile in his voice: “Owner.”

The pronunciation of this ‘Owner’ is not completely clear and even slightly vague, but it adds just the right amount of imaginative and appealing meanings in it.

It’s hard for Owner Yan to open her mouth.

“What… is it?”

“Tell me,” Gu Ci tilted his head and asked in a low voice, with a playful smile, “what does wife mean?”

Gu Ci’s voice is low and light. When he used this posture to ‘encirlce’ someone and then lowered his head to speak in someone’s ears, coupled with his smiling expression, the lethality was almost full.

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