“Since you don’t dislike it, let’s continue then.”

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Yan Luqing carefully recalled that there were only two real hugs between her and Gu Ci.

The first time, it was Yan Luqing who took the initiative to ask for it. At that time, she was wronged and was full of grievances all the way. When she saw Gu Ci, she instantly could not hold back anymore, then she fell on him and cried with snot and tears on her face.

The second time is this time.

She doesn’t know why but Gu Ci’s embrace is as smooth as if they had already done it a hundred times.

The two were sticking together for a long time, and Gu Ci released her after the overpowering pain finally went away.

When thanking her, Gu Ci’s smile seemed inexplicably sweet and the words “Thank you, Owner” made her emotion surge again.

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Then he went to take a bath.

After coming out of Gu Ci’s room, Yan Luqing was a little dazed for the rest of the time. Whether it was eating, watching TV, or finally going back to her own room to take a bath and get ready to sleep. Although the two no longer have physical contact and were just chatting, she would think of the scene where the two of them were hugging and talking from time to time.

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After repeatedly recalling it, she couldn’t control her heartbeat, and her face also became hot so many times that she was about to desensitize.

Before closing her eyes to sleep at night, Makabaka, who was held back for a day, popped out to show her the data.

“Maria, today is a bit of an exaggeration.” It said rather surprisedly, “What happened to you this afternoon? Have you never thought of anything else in your mind except Gu Ci? I have detected all your big mood swings, all of them! Are related to Gu Ci! They are all garbled characters!!!”

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Yan Luqing: “……”

She really wanted to say: Why don’t you do it yourself if you are so capable? Go get along with Gu Ci day and night, and see if you can still keep your mind clean and remain unmoved!

But this is a system, this is an AI with a mental disability, so she can’t lower herself to the same level as it…

Thinking like this, Yan Luqing said calmly: “So what? I’ve been with him for a long time, and I will definitely think about some things we did together.”

“However, even when you weren’t interacting with him lately,” Makabaka called out another table, “there are also many garbled characters——look at this percentage, you have been thinking about him a lot lately.”

“Wasn’t that also because he just celebrated his birthday recently…” Yan Luqing wanted to explain but after she started, she suddenly became very upset. “No, anyway, he’s leaving soon. What’s the relationship between these?”

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There was a sudden chill.

Yan Luqing thought of Makabaka’s tactful way of telling herself before about how difficult it was for the book transmigrator to develop emotional lines with the characters who had no emotional lines in the book. There were also some important supporting characters who could not escape being punished by the system and then disappeared.

This is also its good intention.

Makabaka’s voice became smaller: “Maria, don’t be angry. I, I just want to say that in fact, frequently thinking of one person is actually li——”

“There are still two or three days.” Yan Luqing interrupted it, lowered his eyes, and said seriously, “There are only two or three days left, and when we are not living together anymore, won’t meet each other anymore, I won’t be like this anymore too.”

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She said this to it, and also said it to herself.

Makabaka suddenly became quiet.

Yan Luqing sat on the bed for a while. Her mind was empty and he was about to lie down to sleep when her mobile phone beside her rang.

It’s the big brother of the Yan family who hasn’t been in contact with her for a while.

[Yan Fengming]: Gu Ci still lives with you, right?

Seeing this, Makabaka explained: “Maria, when a point in the plot is reached, these supporting characters will also urge the progress of the plot, and this is all normal.”

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