Yan Luqing understands it.

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This is to urge the big villain to flee quickly.

Before Yan Luqing could reply, another message was sent by the other side again.

[Yan Fengming]: I know that you can do those things in high school, and you don’t care about your reputation at all. But since Grandfather says you’re getting better now, can you start thinking about your reputation? And also think about the other party too by the way?

At the same time, a lot of blue bubbles appeared on the head of this big brother of the Yan family.

Yan Luqing: ? What is he feeling sad about when talking about such a serious topic?

She popped four of the bubbles out of curiosity——

Blue worry: 「I always have this feeling that something has happened to the two of them.」

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Blue doubt: 「With that personality of Gu Ci’s, does he seem like a person who will stay at her place so quietly?」

Blue worry: 「How could Yan Luqing become well so suddenly? She had been ill for so long, so how could it be possible?」

Blue worries: 「There’s definitely something.」

Yan Luqing: “……”

After a few seconds of speechlessness, she moved her fingers and typed.

[Fleeing Goddess]: Big Brother.

[Yan Fengming]: What’s wrong?

[Fleeing Goddess]: You are really so cute.

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[Yan Fengming]: ?

[Fleeing Goddess]: Good night (^_ ^)

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[Yan Fengming]: ???

The big brother of the Yan family was not the first. In the following time, Yan Luqing really received the ‘supporting role urge’ plot that appeared from time to time.

The people who came were from the Yan family.

On the morning of the 15th, she was in class when she suddenly received a message from Mother Yan. It begins with asking about her study, and ends with a question about the relationship between Gu Ci and her, and the last one also suggests that Gu Ci should return to Gu Ci’s own home.

Accompanied by bubbles one after another, in which all of them are of the blue sadness category, which is almost the same as the big brother’s——

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「Will she agree?」

「Alas, during the period of the time when Gu Ci was there, Qingqing has finally become so stable. Let’s not say whether she agrees or not, even if she agrees, it’s estimated that she will eventually get sick again.」

After Mother Yan’s turn, it was Old Master Yan’s turn, who also came with a blue bubble on his head. He was more straightforward than Mother Yan, and directly explained the reason to Yan Luqing.

There is also a reason for the Yan family to get together to send messages to her——It seems that Gu Ci’s uncle who is overseas has just announced that he is going to return to China to develop his business. It should be the reason why Old Master Yan and Mother Yan contacted her as soon as they heard the news.

In fact, the nominal parents of the original body also contact her at ordinary times and care about her condition and her study. However, Yan Luqing regards them as NPCs and does not pay much attention when engaging with them. So naturally, she replies to them without emotion, and the conversation always reveals that they are unfamiliar.

She didn’t want to invest her feelings in it, and she didn’t dare too.

Family affection is like that, and so is everything else.

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The only thing she dares to invest in is friendship.

However——Little Twisted Braids, who was listed as one of her harmful friends, was always trying to persuade her to take a stake in love.

After Yan Luqing replied to Old Master Yan, she also told her the truth incidentally.

“In fact, what I said before was really the truth.” She seriously explained, “I said that Gu Ci and I did not live together, then it really was so. Gu Ci will move out the day after tomorrow.”


“What?!” Little Twisted Braids was shocked and heartbroken at first, and then shook her head like a rattle: “Impossible, Big Beauty will definitely not move away! I don’t believe it!”

“It’s the truth…” Yan Luqing said helplessly, “Gu Ci is only staying at my house temporarily. His relative who had settled abroad before will return to China the day after tomorrow, and he will go with his relative…”

Little Twisted Braids blocked her ears: “I won’t listen, I won’t listen, I won’t listen! Class has started, class has started. Stop talking, listen to the lecture!”

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