Yan Luqing: “….”

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She never saw her as studious as this when they talk about other things.

The conversation between the two ended, and it happened that their class entered the group discussion stage.

Yan Luqing and Little Twisted Braids have been teaming up with two boys in the front seat for the last few classes.

The two boys are roommates and they are still buddies, but their personalities are completely opposite. One is taciturn, the other is so high-profile that he seems to want to go to heaven.

The silent one is cherishing words like gold, but he studies very well. He is the one who immerses himself in research every time the group discusses and the three of them only stare at his writing while cheering him on.

The high-profile one is Wu Qingxin. Usually, Yan Luqing seldom remembers people’s names. She can remember this person’s name because he is too contrasting——his name is Qingxin, but the way he talks is not ‘fresh’ at all[1].

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Before, after getting acquainted with him for a few days, Yan Luqing learned that he has a very urgent desire——to get rid of the single status.

According to Little Twisted Braids, in the month before Yan Luqing came to their college, Wu Qingxin had already taken a fancy to many girls and flirted with a few, but all of them came to an eventual end. Little Twisted Braids said that he is the kind of person who will start all over again at a new one after he fails at the old one.

The two people discussed that he only chased one person at a time, which did not seem like a sea king’s conduct, but his behavior was also inexplicably strange.

Today, Wu Qingxin said that he had met true love but when he flirted with her, the conversation broke down. He wanted to talk about it to the two girls and let them tell him what had gone wrong.

While Wu Qingxin handed them his mobile phone, he wanted everyone to praise him too and said: “See? I am a good enough partner for chatting, right? Why didn’t this girl follow my words then?”

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The first sentence on the box is: [Baby, don’t be angry. I can see that you only said it out of anger and I won’t believe it.]

Yan Luqing: ?

The ‘Baby’ over there also sent a series of question marks, and said: [Don’t call me baby. If you call me with that once again, I will delete you.]

Wu Qingxin then typed again——[What are you shy of, Baby?]

Yan Luqing: “…”

And there was also the following: [Girl, your eyes can’t deceive people.]

Yan Luqing’s scalp is numb and she can’t keep reading any more.

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You are really oily. The one who is stealing oil from the Daqing Oil Field, the bucket must definitely belong to you.

Yan Luqing could not help but say: “Wu Qingxin, would you consider going to work in the Daqing Oil Field after graduation?”

After speaking, looking at Wu Qingxin’s obviously incomprehensible expression, she couldn’t help but criticize her own words in her heart: momentum of speech.

People often see things that hurt their eyes, and they will find something comfortable to cover their eyes with.

Yan Luqing seemed to see that someone had just gone to take a bath in the oil pan and felt uncomfortable all over. She could not help thinking of a certain princess who was about to leave. Even the representative plants were fresh bamboo shoots.

She was thinking here, and Little Twisted Braids beside her seemed to have telepathy, and whispered in her ear: “Babe, don’t you think that we both have good eyesight in choosing a boyfriend?” Little Twisted Braids was frightened and carelessly said the feeling that was in her heart. “Neither my boyfriend nor the great beauty of your family has any oil at all with them.”

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The words ‘boyfriend’ made her eyebrows twitch.

“They may not have it, but——” Yan Luqing looked back at Little Twisted Braids, pointed to her own nose and said word by word, “I, am, single.”

Little Twisted Braids knew that she had said something wrong, so she zipped her mouth and closed it.

On the 16th, the supporting roles promotes the plot and continues to stage——

First, before the first class, Big Brother Yan came to chat with her again, but this time he didn’t type anything, the main purpose was to share with her a piece of financial news on the Internet. The one who appeared in it was Gu Ci’s uncle, a man with handsome features.

[1] Qingxin and ‘fresh’ are pronounced almost the same.

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