Yan Luqing looked at the lonely look on Big Black’s face and inexplicably thought that at this time, it looked as if the maid was packing up the luggage before the princess married far away.

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Yan Luqing sincerely hoped that after Gu Ci left, her strange brain holes would disappear.

After lunch, Yan Luqing sat on the sofa watching TV.

Little Black was watering flowers and plants in the back garden before. As soon as he entered the house, he learned from Big Black that Gu Ci’s luggage had been packed, so they became sad together, and the two stood next to each other on Yan Luqing’s side.

Here are the two maids who are crying for the princess that will marry far away.

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Yan Luqing was about to say something, and was about to brainwash these two unusually burly maids like she was brainwashing herself, but the doorbell outside the courtyard suddenly rang.

Unexpectedly, before the agreed time in the afternoon, Gu Ci’s uncle came over at this hour instead.

The genes in Gu Ci’s family are quite strong. His uncle himself is a little more handsome than in the photo. At the age between 30 or 40, the traces on his face are not obvious at all. He smiled and said: “You are Yan Luqing, right? I’m Gu Ci’s uncle. My name is Kang Yuan.”

Yan Luqing asked him to come in and sit on the sofa. Although there were almost no guests here, Aunt Disney was a professional one. She immediately made tea and brought a complete set of tea utensils, and then poured one cup for each of them.

Originally, Yan Luqing thought that Gu Ci’s uncle would definitely ask about Gu Ci, and might even denounce her, such as why she seized Gu Ci and prevented him from leaving——

Unexpectedly, his uncle was quite kind. He thanked her first, and then asked her a lot of information, such as where she studies and what major she studies, and so on.

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On the contrary, what he did made her feel unspeakably weird and nervous instead. It would be better if he were to ask Yan Luqing to confess her guilt.

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Yan Luqing didn’t want to talk about herself any more. If she did, she would have to talk about her history of mental illness, so she took the initiative to change the topic.

“Are you here to pick him up?” Yan Luqing pointed to the suitcase that had been moved to the entrance. “His luggage has been packed.”

The implication was that Yan Luqing hoped that his uncle would not listen to the rumors outside, such as Yu Xi’s bad mouth which said that she was ‘Hiding Gu Ci In The Golden House’ and that she was a pervert that imprisoned people.

She didn’t! She has taken good care of him, and now she also provides a package delivery service!

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Hearing this, the man was taken aback, “Huh?”

Originally, he didn’t intend to take Gu Ci away with him. He came to thank Gu Ci’s friend. After all, after asking so many times, Gu Ci never showed any sign of leaving.

By the way, he was also curious whether the so-called ‘friend’ that Gu Ci told him was a friend or…

Before he could express any doubts, the door of the villa opened again——

The person who was supposed to be at T University appeared at the entrance.

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As soon as Gu Ci came in, he first saw the suitcase leaning against the cabinet. It’s an extremely conspicuous large size.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Then he glanced at his uncle and nodded slightly. Then he saw Big Black and Little Black standing behind Yan Luqing. At this time, the expressions of the two were neat and uniform. They actually looked like ‘Why are you leaving? What will happen to this family once you leave?’.

Gu Ci stood motionless at the entrance. At last, his eyes fell on one place and he stared at Yan Luqing with interest.


At the moment Yan Luqing’s eyes met his, the brainwashing treasury knowledge that had already convinced her had a tendency to collapse all of a sudden.

She steadied herself in time, got up and walked to him.

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