Then why did he follow her words and say… that he doesn’t want freedom?

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“No, in fact, I don’t mean freedom, but…” Yan Luqing was a little incoherent, paused to buffer her emotions, and adjusted the word order again, “I know that you are quite free here, and my way of speaking is just a joke. The freedom that I said, it means——”

“It means,” Gu Ci cut off her words and glanced at the suitcase beside him, “pack my luggage and drive me away?”

Yan Luqing retorted in a low voice: “No, I asked Big Black to pack it just to save you time…”

“Oh.” Gu Ci nodded, “It turns out to be to save time and to drive me away quickly.”

Yan Luqing: “…???”

This is not right!

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It’s getting worse and worse!

And, should this be his focus?

When his uncle was abroad, Gu Ci would make video calls with his uncle every day to discuss some company affairs. Now that his uncle came back and still comes to pick him up in person, why does he react like this??

And the most important thing is——she obviously doesn’t want it to!

As soon as Yan Luqing recalled that she had been wronged the previous two days.

What was her life like! While having to deal with those people, she also has to pretend to be very magnanimous and says that Gu Ci can leave whenever he wants, and she will never stop him. But when she saw Gu Ci after returning home, she was entangled and thought: How will the two of them meet again after he leaves?

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He is not an active person. Will they contact each other once every ten days and a half months like ordinary friends in the future, and eventually be reduced to a relationship where they can only meet at a class reunion?


Besides getting rid of these, she also has to brainwash herself and comfort herself! She kept telling herself ‘what are you thinking about? Just a wife of two months. It’s easy to forget.’

Easy shit! How can such a person like Gu Ci just be forgotten when one said they would forget him!

Yan Luqing always wants to complain to Gu Ci first when she has something depressing, but there’s no way to spit this matter out. Every time she thinks about finding Makabaka, she hears it celebrating Gu Ci’s finally leaving and it is filled with great joy.

It was really uncomfortable.

Originally, after Yan Luqing said these words out, she already started to think about having a drink with Big Black and Little Black tonight to slow down the attack of sending Gu Ci away.

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She never imagined that it would develop into the current situation.

Gu Ci was still waiting for her to speak. Yan Luqing looked at him and explained dryly: “I didn’t want to drive you away. It’s mainly because——”

She was so impulsive that she almost said ‘It’s mainly because the plot has arrived’, but fortunately, she finally stopped the car in time.

“It’s mainly because I’ve been hearing people say your uncle is coming back these days. And he also came here today, so I think you must…”

Halfway through Yan Luqing’s explanation.

Gu Ci interrupted her for the second time.

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“Why do you listen to those people?”

Yan Luqing was stunned: “… What?”

Gu Ci’s hand had already been withdrawn from the door handle and was hanging on his side. At this time, he suddenly lifted it up again and held the cabinet behind her——a position very similar to that when she was caught last time. She was still standing next to the cabinet, but he didn’t get so close. He just put one hand on it, as if to prop it up at will.

However, his action seemed to block the view of everyone in the living room.

Yan Luqing watched as he said slowly: “For matters about me, don’t listen to others.”

Her eyes suddenly opened wide.

Gu Ci turned his back against everyone’s gaze, put one hand on the cabinet, and the other hand stretched out toward her face. He briefly touched her auricle and tapped it twice. “It’s fine if you just listen to it casually, but you can only believe what I told you.”

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