At that time, the portion of shock was indeed more.

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But after that, she should be very happy.

When Yan Luqing was taken out by him to watch a movie the day before yesterday, she felt that she thought of this person more and more frequently, which affected her life a little too much.

However, no practical measures have been taken.

She learned from Makabaka at night that she will indeed be punished if he did not leave, although it is unknown what the punishment is——

But she didn’t do anything either.

For example, the most direct way is to find a reason to drive him away, but she never thought in that direction at all.

Yan Luqing once read a story when she was still a child.

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The story says that in love, everyone’s heart is very fragile, so everyone will build many high walls outside the heart to guard it. The more insecure people are, the higher the walls and more walls will be built.

At that time, she did not understand the meaning of the word ‘love’ at all. After reading the story, because the description was very novel, she remembered the metaphor.

After she grew up, she understood it, but she felt that her situation is similar to the story, but not completely alike. What was in the story was to build a wall, and she is not building a wall, but a house instead.

She built a lot of houses, and surrounded the core in the middle layer by layer, like a city. No one was allowed to come in, shutting out all possibilities.

But she did not expect that she would experience such an adventure at the age of eighteen.

And meet such a person.

When Yan Luqing first read about him in the book, she already liked this character. Until she saw him with her own eyes and discovered many small details that were never described in the book…

She thought, how can there be such a person?

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It seems that every moment of his life is an attractive existence.

She is like a city, but Gu Ci seems to have not been outside the door at all from the beginning.

He had already entered since a long time ago.

She didn’t care about it at that time and just carelessly found all kinds of reasons to comfort herself——Princess Ci is just a paper person. How could a paper person be in this category? It will not. So she refused everyone who asked her about it, and she denied, not only denying others, but also saying so to herself.

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And now, he is about to reach the core of the city.

It seems that the small house she has been building is about to be conquered. A certain princess has lived in the house comfortably for a long time, not only renovating it, but also planting bamboo to raise pandas, looking very pleasant.


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Yan Luqing lowered her eyes, not used to the quiet environment.

She wanted to find the remote control to turn on the TV before continuing, but her eyes inadvertently swept to two abrupt colors on the table.

Those are two square beige post-it notes.

Yan Luqing had an impression of this post-it note——when Gu Ci gave her supplementary lessons, this post-it note was pasted all over her workbooks and textbooks.

She fixed her eyes on the one on the left, and there was a remote control placed beside this one.

The writing was thin, vigorous, solemn, and slightly scrawled. After all, he had taught her supplementary lessons for so long, and Yan Luqing could see that it was indeed Gu Ci’s writing at a glance.

「The station you like to watch:

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Variety show 34, Saturday at 8:00; Dog blood drama 52, every night at 8:00; Short Videos 13, broadcast all day.

Owner, don’t turn the station over one by one. Save some electricity for the remote control.」

And then the one on the right——

「During my absence, abstain from alcohol.」


It turns out that there is really a person who will observe her so meticulously.

It turns out that two pieces of paper so small and thin can also let you taste what it is like to finally have a home.

So, how can she not like him?

Yan Luqing looked at the two small pieces of paper, and looked back and forth several times without blinking. Suddenly, a sense of sourness rushed into her nose, and her eyes were blurry.

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