… Well.

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Didn’t he say it himself, that it’s only 30 hours.

He said he only has so little time, so why did he still do this kind of stuff?

Yan Luqing noticed the sound of footsteps behind her and quickly raised her hand to dry her eyes. Fortunately, the tears had not flowed out too much and there was no trace of it that could be seen.

When she looked back, it was Little Black. She estimated that he had just returned from the back garden, because he has dead leaves on his body, which looks very conspicuous on the black suit.

After he met her gaze, his eyes lit up, then he walked quickly to her side and asked excitedly: “Miss Yan, have you seen Gu Ci’s message? It was posted on the table.”

“I already saw it.” There was no nasal tone when Yan Luqing spoke, and she pretended to ask inadvertently, “When did he write it?”

Little Black answered: “Before leaving in the afternoon.”

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When Gu Ci wrote it, he did not deliberately hide it from others, so Little Black even glanced at them several times, which made him feel embarrassed too. He was just waiting for Miss Yan to come back and wanted to tell her quickly.

Yan Luqing nodded when she heard the words.

That’s right. After all, the two of them set out together in the morning, so he definitely didn’t have time to write it.

Yan Luqing looked at the two pieces of paper again, then stretched her hand out and gently lifted them, trying to tear them off and keep them for herself.

But unexpectedly, the post-it note, which was supposed to be easy to tear down, seemed to grow on the top of the table and it wouldn’t come off at once.

Yan Luqing used a little more strength again, but the post-it notes remained motionless.


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She turned around in confusion: “What’s wrong with this post-it note? Why can’t it be torn off?”

“Ah…” Little Black scratched his head, still a little embarrassed in the face of such direct dog food, and explained shyly, “When you hadn’t come back yet, it would fall down a bit. I was afraid that it would fall to the ground before you came back, so I glued it with 502.”

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Yan Luqing: “……”

You are really Mother’s greatest child! ! !

Use the super glue 520 to stick a piece of paper, which means it must be impossible to peel it off now.

In the end, Yan Luqing just sent Little Black away, and then secretly took a picture of it with her mobile phone.

During dinner, she was alone in the dining room, and there was only one set of tableware on the table.

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While she was eating, she browsed the short video app, but Gu Ci’s face and the two post-it notes kept appearing in her mind. As she browsed the videos, her attention would always switch back to look at the two pieces of yellow paper.

… She really can’t be saved anymore.

A strange impulse dominated her.

Yan Luqing found Gu Ci’s WeChat, calculated how long he had been away from the villa, and then sent him a message.

[Fleeing Goddess]: It’s been three hours.

——I am starting to miss you.

When the message was sent out, Yan Luqing indeed felt a little embarrassed but also felt a little regretful because she was too impulsive.

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But it was just those few words. Fortunately, it was obscure enough that he would definitely not be able to see anything.

Yan Luqing only started to accumulate this kind of thought since she saw the post-it notes just now. She wanted to express something. Although it is probably only her who understood it, she felt comfortable when her impulse was satisfied.

After she finished sending the message, she continued to eat. Just as she finished her meal, Gu Ci replied with two messages to her in a row.

[Fleeing Princess]: ?

[Fleeing Princess]: Is there one sentence missing?

When Yan Luqing saw this question mark and the following sentence, she seemed to be able to imagine the scene and expression when he typed these words in her mind. Suddenly, it was as if her laughing acupuncture had been tapped, and the corners of her mouth rose uncontrollably, and she silently laughed non-stop.

She didn’t even know what she was laughing at. She waited for about half a minute before she recovered and slowly typed her reply.

[Fleeing Goddess]: Have you arrived yet?

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